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Own Your Villa in El karma Residence Shaikh Zayed Starting From 185 m²

Own Your Villa in El karma Residence Shaikh Zayed Starting From 185 m²

Own Your Villa in El karma Residence Shaikh Zayed Starting From 185 m²

The most important features of El Karma Residence Sheikh Zayed A new glow full of life can be found in El Karma Residence Compound, Sheikh Zayed. When you take the

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قديم 08-23-2022, 01:35 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2048
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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افتراضي Own Your Villa in El karma Residence Shaikh Zayed Starting From 185 m²

El karma Residence Sheikh Zayed

The most important features of El karma Residence Sheikh Zayed
A new glow full of life can be found in El karma Residence Compound, Sheikh Zayed. When you take the initiative to book Your unit now in karma Sheikh Zayed, you guarantee you and Your family a happy life and a big step towards a better future. Therefore, we find that the architectural developer sought to provide an additional and exclusive set of features to its clients to ensure that you achieve the standards of comfort, excellence, and beauty, among the most prominent of these features:

The green space that constitutes the largest part of ​​El karma Residence is represented by the young green grass, dense trees, and beautiful colorful roses, all of which give an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility to the same viewer, as four beautiful gardens and parks have been built with seats to enjoy this beautiful atmosphere, and it also allows you to breathe fresh healthy air, especially In the early hours of the morning, it also offers yoga lovers an atmosphere suitable for meditation and relaxation.
Private garages for unit owners with a space that can accommodate more than one car.
Tracks for walking and running amid the charming atmosphere and natural greenery, and there are paths designated for cycling far From the roads for Your safety.
An extinguishing system equipped with the latest means to be able to put out the fire as quickly as possible.
Enjoy the wonderful water bodies of fountains and artificial lakes with pure water, which harmonize with the green meadows and the charming landscape to form a wonderful painting that makes you live in an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.
A mosque in the Islamic style to perform religious rites, and the mosque is designed to accommodate a large number of worshipers.
The infrastructure of El karma Residence compound is characterized by durability and strength, as the main services such as electricity, gas, and others are working to the fullest.
Available units in El karma Residence Sheikh Zayed and their spaces
One of the most important factors that the real estate developer has taken into consideration is that the housing units are suitable to the extent that ensures meeting the requirements and needs of customers with their different tastes, at the level of townhouses, twin houses, standalone villas, duplexes and apartments, and at the same time, it worked to make the spaces satisfactory to all tastes, as all customers were able to easily choose a unit with the space they needed.

The apartments' space in El karma Residence Compound Sheikh Zayed starts From 137 m² up to 240 m².
Duplexes space starts From 216 m² up to 260 m².
While the space of standalone villas starts From 286 m² up to 400 m², noting that all villas have a private garden, a garage and some of them have a swimming pool.
As for the twin houses, their space starts From 210 m² up to 250 m² and enjoys a garden and a roof.
Finally, townhouse units, whose space starts From 220 m² up to 296 m², and includes a private garden.
All units enjoy the most beautiful view of the different landscapes, designed in forms that increase the vitality and luxury of El karma Residence, and the designs of the modern housing units keep pace with the rapid development of life, with a good distribution of bedrooms, separated to some extent From the living rooms and the reception hall, and all units are delivered semi-finished to leave you the freedom to choose decorations and colors, with the possibility of receiving them immediately after contracting.

Prices announced by BadrelDin Developments in El karma Residence
The idea of putting up unit prices in El karma Residence Compound Sheikh Zayed crystallized away From the client's enduring any hardship, attracting a lot towards a better future, and providing a distinguished service to all residents. Therefore, the prices are in the general average income of all segments of society, and the price of the advertised unit varies according to its space, and according to the finishing model provided.

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Own Your Villa in El karma Residence Shaikh Zayed Starting From 185 m² residence shaikh zayed

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