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Details About Diar 2 6 October Apartments.

Details About Diar 2 6 October Apartments.

Details About Diar 2 6 October Apartments.

Enjoy the many services provided by Tameer in Compound Choose the life you deserve and escape from the crowds of Cairo and book your own unit in Diar 2 Compound,

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قديم 08-23-2022, 04:22 PM   #1
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نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Details About Diar 2 6 October Apartments.

Enjoy the many services provided by Tameer in Diar 2 October Compound
Choose the life you deserve and escape from the crowds of Cairo and book your own unit in Diar 2 Compound, your first address for luxury, sophistication, and quiet living in one of the most beautiful parts of 6th of October City, as the compound is unique in combining the use of the latest modern architectural designs with the great development in the services provided and Among the most prominent of these services.

The security system in the project is provided with the highest modern technical systems, high-quality surveillance cameras have been distributed covering all parts of the compound, and the security personnel has been chosen with great care to ensure safety for you and your family.
A large commercial mall with a lot of shops with international and local brands, to choose what suits your needs.
Enjoy sitting with family and friends in a wonderful atmosphere and listening to soft music in the largest social club established on an area of ​​3 acres inside Diar 2. It also has an area designated for barbecue parties.
Swimming pools of various shapes and sizes were distributed equally in all parts of the project for the enjoyment of all residents of all ages.
There are many sports fields such as football, squash, tennis, and others for you to practice your favorite sport at all times.
Providing fast internet service within the project, so that customers do not bear the burden of dealing with communication companies.
The infrastructure in Diar 2 is robust, with all utilities such as natural gas, electricity, and water being provided.
The project includes many eastern and western restaurants serving delicious dishes by international chefs, in addition to more cafés that provide excellent hotel service.
Enjoy the spa services, sauna, and jacuzzi in the health club, which offers you more tools of comfort and luxury at the highest level of sophistication.
Providing Kids Area with all the entertaining activities for children, and many games that develop their abilities, under the supervision of specialists.
The gym contains the latest sports equipment that allows you to keep in shape.
In Diar 2 medical clinics provide their services to you by a selection of the most skilled doctors and are fully prepared to receive emergencies throughout the day.
Within the compound, there are pharmacies that provide you with all the treatments you may need at any time.
The project also includes a hypermarket that provides you with all food commodities and household needs

Exclusive features provided for the convenience of the residents of Diar Compound 2 October
In addition to the integrated services that you get in Diar 2 upon receiving your unit, the architectural developer offers you an additional set of great features that aim at your comfort and well-being, the most important of which are

One of the most important features of Diar 2 is the diversity of green spaces and their spread throughout the project, which makes all residents inside it enjoy a healthy and clean life, in addition to feeling more relaxation and recreation from inside the balcony of their residential unit, and the project also includes a large garden in the middle of the project.
Various bodies of water from artificial lakes, dancing fountains with wonderful crystal water falling like shiny pearls, that attractive view that increases the joy and luxury of the place.
The entertainment facilities provided with the highest levels of luxury within the compound varied to suit the small and the large.
A large mosque designed in the Islamic style that accommodates many numbers to hold prayers and religious rites.
The project includes walking and jogging tracks in the middle of the landscape, in addition to cycling tracks.
The project includes several underground garages, to prevent overcrowding and preserve the aesthetic appearance of the project.
Providing more than one electronic gate to enter and exit the compound to prevent overcrowding.
The compound units are equipped with a fire alarm system that works in case of emergency.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: Details About Diar 2 6 October Apartments. || الكاتب: نردين احمد || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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