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Your Store in East Tower Mall New Capital with Facilities up to 5 Years

Your Store in East Tower Mall New Capital with Facilities up to 5 Years

Your Store in East Tower Mall New Capital with Facilities up to 5 Years

Announced Unit prices and Payment Systems by the real estate developer. The real estate developer was keen to provide competitive and imaginary prices so that you can easily own your

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قديم 09-21-2022, 10:43 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 210
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي Your Store in East Tower Mall New Capital with Facilities up to 5 Years

East Tower

Announced Unit prices and Payment Systems by the real estate developer.
The real estate developer was keen to provide competitive and imaginary prices so that you can easily own Your unit, and the prices are not comparable to any other project compared to the number of services and features that you will receive.

The price in East Project per square meter for commercial units starts from 120,000 EGP.
While the price per square meter for administrative units starts from 40,000 EGP Within East Project.
The price per square meter for hotel units starts from 55,000 EGP inside East Project New Capital.
Reservations have been opened for the units as follows:

Commercial units from 50,000 EGP in East Project.
Administrative units from 20,000 EGP.
Hotel units from 30,000 EGP.
The easy and flexible payment systems provided by the real estate developer as follows:

You can pay a 10% downpayment of the unit price and you will get a 10% discount on the unit value.
You can pay a 15% downpayment of the unit price and you will get a 10% discount on the unit value.
You can pay a deposit of 20% of the unit price and you will get a 15% discount on the unit value.
When you pay in cash, you will get a discount of 40%.
The administrative and hotel units are delivered with Ultra Super Lux finishes with air conditioners, while the commercial units are unfinished.
About the real estate developer and previous works
UC Developments is back again with its latest project in East Tower NewAdministrative Capital. The company has more than 25 Years of experience in the field of investment and real estate development, and its investments amount to 5 billion pounds. Sameh Awad El-Leithi, CEO of UC Developments contributed to Presenting projects to the fullest.

UC Developments owns more than 70 projects in different areas, including New Cairo, Heliopolis, El Shorouk, and New Administrative Capital, which is its first success.

UC Developments is considered one of the largest companies in Egypt, as it has hired many engineers, experts, cadres, and some of the well-known names in the field of construction and development, and it is considered one of the leading and developing companies in its field.

The most important previous work of UC Developments:

Uni Tower 1.
Uni Tower 2.
Lavin Tower New Administrative Capital.

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

Your Store in East Tower Mall New Capital with Facilities up to 5 Years assssss

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