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Villa for sale in Oriental Coast

Villa for sale in Oriental Coast

Villa for sale in Oriental Coast

What are you waiting for to own your unit inside the most prestigious and luxurious resorts... Oriental Coast Marsa Alam Resort.. Looking for a summer life with integrated services, facilities,

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قديم 09-22-2022, 01:05 AM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً

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لاتوجد أوسمة لـ نردين احمد
افتراضي Villa for sale in Oriental Coast

Oriental Coast Resort

What are you waiting for to own your unit inside the most prestigious and luxurious resorts... Oriental Coast Marsa Alam Resort..
Looking for a summer life with integrated services, facilities, and recreational activities... You are looking for a paved beach for disembarkation and without rocks... Looking for crystal blue waters shining from the sun's rays... Looking for mild and warm weather all year round... Here you will find Oriental Coast Marsa Alam Resort inside which you will find everything you search for...

There are green spaces beside the landscape, fountains, water bodies, and swimming pools, in addition to the advantages that distinguish the project from others, including golf courses with 18 holes, car racing, diving and fish watching, dolphin shows, outdoor cinema, and other exclusive features.

The project was built on a very large space of about 1231 acres, where the project includes 23 phases, green spaces and landscapes occupy a large space in addition to the services and facilities that guests enjoy.

Enjoy a privileged strategic location within Oriental Coast Marsa Alam
One of the most important features of any coastal project is the distinguished strategic location in which the Oriental Coast is located, which is characterized by its proximity to the main roads and the most important main axes. The project is located on Bakr land in Marsa Alam, where this area enjoys the picturesque nature and the distinctive charming views, and the village directly overlooks the seashore with its blue waters and the sands of its shimmering beaches that enchant the place.

Advantages of geographical location in Oriental Coast:

170 km from Hurghada.
Its distance from the south of the city of Al-Qusayr is 35 km.
30 km north of Marsa Alam Airport.
Its distance from Hurghada Airport is 100 km.
Las Cabanas Phase Oriental Coast
Las Cabanas is a haven for those looking for beauty, luxury, and fun on the beachfront, distinguished by its crystal blue waters, where the seafoam melts over the azure waters, the resort includes a hotel that provides hotel services at the highest level, in addition to services and facilities, including golf course, barbecue areas, swimming pools, gardens and parks, gym, spa, jacuzzi, clubhouse,

The units and spaces within the project vary to include apartments, villas (Quattro - Villa Tut - Villa Amon - Twin House), with various sizes as follows:

Apartments space starts from 51 square meters up to 115 square meters.
Quarto Villa starts from 127 square meters.
While the space of Villa Tout starts from 228 square meters.
The space of Villa Amon starts from 214 square meters.
The twin house space is 114 square meters.
Competitive Prices:

Where the price per square meter starts from 18,850 EGP.
Twin house prices start from 1,197,000 EGP.
Easy and flexible payment systems: you can pay a reservation downpayment of 50,000 EGP, and the rest is to be paid in installments over 6 years from the date of contracting in equal installments.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: Villa for sale in Oriental Coast || الكاتب: نردين احمد || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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