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187 M Twin House With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hyde Park

187 M Twin House With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hyde Park

187 M Twin House With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hyde Park

Services and features that are unique to Ras El Hikma Hyde Park Developments was keen to provide a range of unique recreational services and multiple advantages that made it the

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قديم 09-28-2021, 11:58 AM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي 187 M Twin House With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hyde Park

Services and features that are unique to Hyde Park Ras El Hikma
Hyde Park Developments was keen to provide a range of unique recreational services and multiple advantages that made it the most important resort and international tourist attraction for more comfort and tranquility, as follows:

Green spaces and vast landscapes and crystal lagoons give the resort a wonderful View of scenic nature.
Artificial lakes With magnificent crystal waters and dancing water fountains are designed in world-class design.
In the resort, there are more than 25 to 30 swimming pools distributed throughout.
An international 5-stars hotel offers the best hotel services at the highest levels.
A wide commercial area that combines major malls and hypermarkets that include various types of international brands and brands.
There are religious landmarks, including a huge mosque designed in an architectural style that combines authenticity and internationalism and includes a large number of worshipers.
Swimming pools for women in covered lounges, which provide privacy, and services at the highest levels.
Multiple sports fields With large spaces to practice various sports activities.
Clubhouse on the beach includes spa House rooms and gyms that contain the latest sports equipment and a jacuzzi.
A special area for water games, Aqua Park that makes you enjoy the distinctive entertainment services and spend a good time.
Large recreational areas, especially for hiking, and all recreational activities are available, especially for adults and children.
Restaurants and cafés that serve delicious dishes supervised by the most efficient chefs, and a variety of wonderful drinks.
Advantages of Hyde Park Ras El Hikma

One of the most important features of the project is its strategic location in the heart of North Coast in Ras El Hikma, as it is close to the most important roads and main axes.
The units are characterized by an architectural style that combines luxury and sophistication, which suits the tastes of the elite of society.
It has 3 entrances that allow easy transportation between the village and other cities.
The resort has a private restaurant overlooking the sea, offering the best services.
The presence of security and guarding at the entrances to the village and outside, which operates throughout the day continuously.
Distribution of modern surveillance cameras throughout the resort, supervised by engineers and technicians at the highest level.
Garages for each unit include a number of the residents' cars.
A large health club on the beach With all the various services at the highest levels that fulfill the wishes of customers.
An integrated center for medical care, which includes pharmacies that operate all day and medical clinics at the highest level.
The spaces and prices at Hyde Park Ras El Hikma announced by The Developer

The company has provided a range of distinctive housing units of different sizes and prices to suit all customers. The units range from (townhouses - Twin houses - standalone villas - hotel apartments) and each of them is of a high level of quality With different spaces, we mention that as follow:

Townhouses on a space of 177 m² and on a land of 295 m², and its average Price ranges from 4,800,000 EGP up to 5,500,000 EGP.
Twin House With space starts from 180 m² up to 205 m², and on a land space of 300 m², and its Price starts from 6,400,000 EGP up to 7,500,000 EGP.
Standalone villas start from 240 m² up to 650 m², its Price starts from10,800,000 EGP up to 37,000,000 EGP.
Chalets With a space starting from 186 m² up to 225 m², and on a space of 310 m², the Price is 4,800,000 EGP.
The developed company offers flexible and easy payment systems for all customers, which are based on the installment system for the longest possible period. The following are the most important systems:

The customer is able to pay the value of the unit over 8 consecutive years and equally.
Units are delivered fully finished.

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187 M Twin House With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hyde Park hyde park

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