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Immediate Delivery With Payment Facilities Over 4 Years In Mountain View Park The Lak

Immediate Delivery With Payment Facilities Over 4 Years In Mountain View Park The Lak

Immediate Delivery With Payment Facilities Over 4 Years In Mountain View Park The Lak

Do not miss the opportunity to own within "The Lake" and enjoy the best and most distinguished services The compound is designed with high-quality urban methods, exquisitely selected to suit

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قديم 10-05-2021, 12:39 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي Immediate Delivery With Payment Facilities Over 4 Years In Mountain View Park The Lak

Do not miss the opportunity to own within "The Lake" and enjoy the best and most distinguished services
The compound is designed With high-quality urban methods, exquisitely selected to suit customers With high taste, and it includes all services and Facilities needed by residents, the most prominent of which are the following:

In "Mountain View Park The Lake", you will not practice your sports in one place, but "The Sports Pod" will help you replenish your energy, revitalize, and revitalize your body in a large space designed With all the necessary devices and equipment.
Spacious garages for residents of the compound that can accommodate a large number of cars, to prevent overcrowding.
International restaurants and cafes provide excellent services to the residents of the compound.
Several wonderful swimming pools of different shapes and spaces are suitable for adults and children.
There are dancing water fountains that give wonderful aesthetic views.
A private school With high-quality educational services.
A social club With elegant places for family gatherings, various celebrations, and barbecues.
A commercial area that includes many shops With the finest brands, and international brands that suit those With fine taste.
A health club that includes special spa areas equipped With the latest equipment, and specialized workers for more recreation and body care.
Recreational areas for children With many fun games to spend the most beautiful times among family and friends.
Extensive green spaces help you relax and practice yoga in the fresh air.
The project has an administrative building that provides various services to the residents.
Highly trained security and guard personnel, as well as modern 24-hour surveillance cameras to maintain the safety and stability of the compound.
Units types and spaces within Mountain View Park The Lake

Mountain View The Lake was implemented on an area of 70 acres, the real estate developer was keen to take care of its internal division to make the best use of the spaces; the largest part was for green spaces and charming water bodies that provide the greatest psychological comfort to customers, and the units occupied the remaining part, and it varied between apartments and villas With various distinctive modern designs. The company was keen to diversify the spaces as follows:

Residential apartments With spaces start from 130 m² up to 165 m², on a land space ranging from 230 m² up to 260 m².
I Vilas spaces start from 190 m² up to 270 m².
One-story-House villas range in size from 185 m² to 250 m², townhouses With a space of 185 m², and standalone villas With a space of 285 m².
Lake House With a space of 385 square meters.
The best prices and Payment systems available inside Mountain View iCity October Park The Lake

What attracts customers to buy units in different compounds are the appropriate prices and different Payment methods; The real estate developer is keen to design units of different sizes that give a great opportunity for customers to choose what suits them in terms of space and unit shape; It also provides prices, and Payment systems that enable each customer to buy what matches his financial capabilities and tastes, and provides the opportunity to purchase in installments Over many years.

The unit prices and Payment systems can be clarified through the following:

Apartment prices start from 1,750,000 EGP.
I Villas prices start from 2,600,000 EGP.
The prices of townhouses and standalone villas start from 3,500,000 EGP.
The customer pays a downpayment of 10% of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments Over 9 years.

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Immediate Delivery With Payment Facilities Over 4 Years In Mountain View Park The Lak mountain park view

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