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More Than 30% Discount Upon Cash Payment In Giselle swan lake

More Than 30% Discount Upon Cash Payment In Giselle swan lake

More Than 30% Discount Upon Cash Payment In Giselle swan lake

You have a great opportunity to get a unit inside Giselle Swan Lake Residence and enjoy many of its unique features. The Compound is a high-end residential complex with integrated

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قديم 10-20-2021, 01:10 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي More Than 30% Discount Upon Cash Payment In Giselle swan lake

You have a great opportunity to get a unit inside Giselle swan lake Residence and enjoy many of its unique features.
The Compound is a high-end residential complex with integrated services designed specifically for you, as it has all the conditions and ingredients necessary to live an ideal life filled with all the means of luxury and comfort. This is represented by many unique features inside it, the most important of which are:

The scenic landscape occupies large spaces of Giselle swan lake New Cairo.
Crystal water bodies with their calm turquoise water distributed among green areas such as artificial lakes and dancing fountains with a charming view
The compound is fully secured, as surveillance cameras have been installed everywhere, in addition to the presence of electronic gates and a group of highly trained security men to guard the compound for 24 hours without interruption.
Swimming pools in the latest style within all units of different depths and spaces, in addition to the presence of swimming pools for women for More privacy and comfort.
Its strategic geographical location amid many service areas and near the main roads and axes, which makes living inside it a dream for many customers.
The residential complex is an icon of beauty, and this is shown through the luxurious architectural designs of the indoor and outdoor units, as all of them feature a wonderful panoramic view of the scenic landscape that brings psychological comfort, calm, and tranquility.
Available Services at Giselle swan lake Residence Compound
Giselle Compound New Cairo is specially designed for the comfort and well-being of the client, and this is achieved by providing many endless entertainment services that everyone is looking for and can benefit from on the widest scale, the most important of which are:

State-of-the-art restaurants and cafes offering excellent services.
A huge commercial area with a commercial mall that contains a variety of shops that provide all kinds of consumer goods, services, and the most famous brands and international brands that suit all tastes.
Kids Area is for children that include a range of safe games and recreational activities appropriate for their age for More luxury and fun.
Dedicated halls for holding conferences, meetings, and special occasions such as weddings and parties.
State-of-the-art gymnasiums that contain advanced equipment and equipment, and a group of the most qualified trainers and experts for anyone who wants to take care of their fitness.
Spa units, sauna, and jacuzzi are equipped to the highest level to provide enough recreation and luxury.
Tracks to lovers of walking, running, and cycling away from car roads to maintain the security and safety of guests.
Club House includes the latest types of appliances and complete services that guests need.
A hypermarket that provides all kinds of consumer goods needed for you and your family without the need to leave the place of residence.
The residential complex is characterized by the presence of a place designated for horses, in addition to a 2600 square meter car park for those who like to practice horse riding.
Aqua Park is equipped with a range of fun activities and wonderful water games suitable for all ages so that guests can spend the most enjoyable time with their children.
A sports club with a space of 80,000 square meters with international designs with a group of playgrounds to play many recreational games such as football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, squash, and others for More entertainment and entertainment.
A social club with a large space divided into places dedicated to the practice of many recreational and cultural activities that are suitable for adults and young people, in addition to the presence of areas designated to sit with family and friends and talk for long periods.
A huge transportation network that helps guests to go everywhere, operates 24 hours a day.
A 5-star hotel equipped at the highest level with hotel units with wonderful decorations, integrated services to receive visitors.
Places designated for picnics with public gardens and parks so that guests can sit in them and practice many of their hobbies and recreational activities amid the charming landscape.
Large garages under all residential units to park guests' cars and prevent them from crowding in front of them.
A medical center equipped at the highest level with medical clinics serving all specialties with the latest devices and advanced equipment working 24 hours a day without interruption to reach the highest level of medical care.
Places designated for pets with everything necessary to take care of them and take care of them.
Large public gardens with separate seats so that guests can spend the most enjoyable times with their children and practice many of their favorite recreational activities such as reading, drawing, and others for More luxury and fun.
Hotel services are represented in periodic cleaning that works throughout the day.
Dedicated places for barbecue parties in the middle of the green areas for More entertainment and fun.

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