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100 Meters Properties for sale in Cleopatra Square

100 Meters Properties for sale in Cleopatra Square

100 Meters Properties for sale in Cleopatra Square

Live the luxury life you've always dreamed of inside Cleopatra Square! Where it offers you an attractive green oasis of gardens and parks that give you a feeling of comfort

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قديم 08-22-2022, 09:37 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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افتراضي 100 Meters Properties for sale in Cleopatra Square

Cleopatra Square 6 Ocotber
Live the luxury life you've always dreamed of inside Cleopatra Square! Where it offers you an attractive green oasis of gardens and parks that give you a feeling of comfort and distinction, in addition to a mixture of authentic Egyptian traditions and distinctive Italian designs in an exquisite painting that gives touches of luxury and elegance.

Cleopatra Square is a high-end residential complex that Cleopatra Hotels & Developments implemented in a wonderful geographic location in the heart of 6th of October City on a space of ​​about 48 acres with a unique engineering design, and it is an integrated project with exceptional facilities, services and features that are not available anywhere else.

Do not hesitate and own your luxury unit now at attractive prices and convenient payment systems that extend over many years!

Prices and payment systems in Cleopatra Square
If you are a fan of living in a luxurious and elegant place and want a unique lifestyle? Join the residents of Cleopatra Square and get the perfect life you deserve and wish for!

The executing company of Cleopatra Square Compound has announced the construction of a luxurious architectural edifice to which it has dedicated all its technical and material capabilities to become one of the most important residential projects in the region, as well as choosing a strategic location for it and implementing it on a large space that can accommodate many of the services that customers are looking for when buying a new home for them.

Along with all the distinctive features that are unique to the project, the prices are very competitive and commensurate with the financial capabilities of customers and investors, as follows:

Prices for twin houses start from 6,900,000 EGP up to 12,300,000 EGP.
Villas for sale in Cleopatra Square, prices start from 13,100,000 EGP up to 16,500,000 EGP.
The real estate developer of Cleopatra Square Compound 6 October has also introduced a flexible and convenient payment system to facilitate the customers in the payment process, which is that the customer pays 30% of the value of the unit as a downpayment, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments within 4 years; Do not think too much and get your ideal unit now inside this prestigious edifice, and for more details, contact us.

About the real estate developer of Cleopatra Square
Cleopatra Group is one of the largest companies in the Middle East and the world and seeks to develop residential and investment projects to improve the lifestyle of its customers and the quality of life in the community in general, it relies on a selection of specialized consultants, engineers, and experts who not only sell you homes but also know the lifestyle you aspire to and can determine what suits you perfectly.

Cleopatra Square 6 October is one of the most prominent luxury residential complexes that Cleopatra Hotels & Developments implemented in an attractive strategic location in the heart of 6th of October City, near the main roads and axes, vital places, and service facilities, and it was keen to provide all the services and features that you might need inside, as well as designing it in a unique and striking architectural style to suit those with high taste.

Among the most important previous works of the company are the following:

Cleopatra Plaza, Nasr City.
Cleopatra Plaza in Alexandria.
Cleopatra Palace El Shorouk.

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الساعة الآن 03:42 PM

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