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Own an Apartment in a startgic location with 9,120 EGP premium over 60 months

Own an Apartment in a startgic location with 9,120 EGP premium over 60 months

Own an Apartment in a startgic location with 9,120 EGP premium over 60 months

Prices and payment systems for Compound 2 The pleasures that the residents of Azzar 2 New Cairo get are many and contain many distinctive details that make them more comfortable

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قديم 08-22-2022, 10:57 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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افتراضي Own an Apartment in a startgic location with 9,120 EGP premium over 60 months

Prices and payment systems for Azzar 2 New Cairo Compound 2
The pleasures that the residents of Azzar 2 New Cairo get are many and contain many distinctive details that make them more comfortable and luxurious in the place, and this is what the developer of the place has been keen on since the first day.

There are many important things that the developer has added to Azzar 2 compound, including various services between basic and recreational, as well as many advantages such as inter-spaces, strong infrastructure, and other various means of fun that achieve the balance that the residents want between natural life and the entertainment means in the place in Azzar 2 New Cairo.

The company also saw that the prices are appropriate compared to the different services and benefits that you will get in Azzar 2 also very distinctive payment systems that enable the customer to pay in a way that suits him.

Here are the prices provided by the developer in Azzar 2 for the year 2022:

The prices of "Town middle" villas start from 5,400,000 EGP.
The prices of "Town house corner" villas start from 6,200,000 EGP.
As for townhouses, the price starts from 6,200,000 EGP.
Twin house villas start from 9,000,000 EGP.
An integrated place in the heart of New Cairo that puts the meanings of happiness and luxury in your hands in Azzar 2, Fifth Settlement!

Payment systems in Azzar Compound 2
There are many payment systems provided by the developed company in the place, which varies in terms of the down payment and the number of years of payment so that you can find in them what suits your budget so that you can move your life to another level of luxury and enjoyment.

The payment systems in Azzar 2 New Cairo are as follows:

The customer can pay 5% as a reservation down payment and there is another 5% after 3 months, and also he can pay 10% upon receipt and pay the rest of the amount over 8 years in equal installments inside Azzar 2.
The customer can pay 10% down payment and 5% after 3 months, and also 10% upon delivery and pay the rest of the amount over 9 years in equal installments in Azzar 2 New Cairo project.
The customer can pay a 15% down payment and 50% after 3 months, after which the customer pays 10% upon delivery and pays the rest of the amount over 10 full years in equal installments inside Azzar 2.
There is a 5% maintenance deposit.
There is also a club subscription of 170,000 pounds, and the payment is to be made over 3 years after booking and receipt.
The company also added that the delivery of the first phase of Azzar 2 will be after 3 years, and the second phase will be after 4 years.

Real estate developer and previous business
It is nice to live in Azzar 2 compound built by one of the largest urban development and construction companies in the Egyptian market, the Ready Group Real Estate Company, which has many years of experience through which it has been able to make many achievements.

The company started in the seventies of the last century, but in the field of cosmetics, then the food sector, then the paint sector, down to the real estate field. The company has cooperated with Dorra Real Estate Development, which owns many projects in Egypt and abroad.

The two companies were able to combine their experiences between them and work on developing Azzar 2 Compound in New Cairo to be one of the flags of the Fifth Settlement, which carries among its flanks many distinctive things that make being in it very special.

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

Own an Apartment in a startgic location with 9<120 EGP premium over 60 months ssss

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