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Buy a Unit Now in The Most Beautiful North Coast Resorts Naia Bay 126 meters.

Buy a Unit Now in The Most Beautiful North Coast Resorts Naia Bay 126 meters.

Buy a Unit Now in The Most Beautiful North Coast Resorts Naia Bay 126 meters.

In pursuit of a new vision and a unique style of building and construction; Jumeirah Egypt Development has implemented Naia Bay North Coast which presents an exceptional concept for the

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قديم 08-23-2022, 03:35 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 2048
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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افتراضي Buy a Unit Now in The Most Beautiful North Coast Resorts Naia Bay 126 meters.

Naia Bay

In pursuit of a new vision and a unique style of building and construction; Jumeirah Egypt Development has implemented Naia Bay North Coast which presents an exceptional concept for the real estate industry in Egypt.

Naia Bay North Coast is your ideal choice to live in private units that enjoy enchanting views of the impressive Crystal Lagoons; Surrounded by many high-end services, including luxury restaurants and cafes, and paved paths far from where cars are located, ensure you enjoy the cool morning breeze or ride bicycles at sunset and feel comfortable and relaxed amidst the landscape around you in Naia Bay North Coast.

Do not hesitate and own your sophisticated Unit now in Naia Bay North Coast in the best location ever, near the Most important roads and the main axes, and it is full of many wonderful services and benefits that meet all requirements and needs, at a very competitive prices and easy and convenient payment systems that extend over many years in Naia Bay North Coast.

Naia Bay Ras El Hekma location
Enjoy a unique summer experience and have endless fun inside Naia Bay North Coast Resort; As you will find everything you dream of being harnessed to serve you and your family members; The project is unique in a picturesque geographical location, which the real estate developer has been keen to choose with great care in the heart of New Alamein, which is famous for its luxury tourist projects, where the luxurious modern designs and integrated basic and entertainment services will not make you leave it to search for your needs.

Naia Bay is also characterized as overlooking the Most Beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean with its charming turquoise waters, soft white sands, and clear blue skies, in addition to the temperate North Coast climate Most of the year, the Most important advantages that the resort enjoys are as follows:

Naia Bay North Coast is located at Km 212 Alexandria-Matrouh Road, next to the Most famous coastal Resorts "Fouka Bay", "Marassi North Coast" and "Hyde Park North Coast".
It is about a 50-minute drive away from New Alamein Airport.
Naia Bay North Coast is about an hour away from the North Coast from Sidi Abdel Rahman and Marsa Matrouh Governorate.
You can get from Naia Bay to Alexandria in less than 3 hours.
Design of Naia Bay Resort North Coast
Within Naia Bay North Coast Resort, everyone enjoys the highest levels of calm, psychological peace, safety, comfort, and luxury, because it includes among its flanks a group of distinctive areas with attractive designs, exclusive services, picturesque nature, and other advantages that it enjoys without others, and they are as follows:

Hali area: It is a charming place that offers you a distinctive accommodation amidst the Beautiful water nature, and it includes luxurious twin house units inside Naia Bay North Coast.
Fira District: Naia Bay North Coast includes standalone villas and twin houses with impressive designs and stunning nature that separates you from the outside world and transports you to the luxury of life in Fira, the capital of Santorini, which is considered a piece of heaven on earth.
Pelagio area: It provides you with an easy access road from your luxury Unit to the Most Beautiful Crystal Lagoons in the region, designed by the Most famous American companies on a space of ​​60,000 square meters, and its clear blue waters blend with the surrounding space in an exquisite painting that makes you keep unforgettable memories, The area includes twin houses and townhouses with a private beach.
Poli Area: enables you to enjoy a unique buying experience and offers you and your family members elegant evenings during which you will have a special dinner, in addition to other services and other features inside Naia Bay North Coast.
Plaka area: Enjoy the upscale neighborhoods of Athens that bring to your door the glamorous activities of daily life, luxurious contemporary kiosks, luxury commercial units, even international hotels and nightlife fun, featuring a variety of luxury chalets and downtown studios in Naia Bay North Coast.
Features of Naia Bay North Coast Resort
Enjoy the many distinct features available within Naia Bay Ras El Hekma, and get the luxury life you desire, including the following:

Attractive strategic location near the main roads and axes that facilitate transportation to and from it and many vital places and service facilities that meet the different needs of the village's guests in Naia Bay Resort North Coast.
The spread of a picturesque landscape of vast green spaces and a dazzling Crystal in Naia Bay Resort
A lagoon on a huge space that provides an aesthetic appearance of the place and creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort, relaxation, and mental clarity inside Naia Bay Resort North Coast.

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