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Book Your Store in Menassat Mall Starting From 250 meters

Book Your Store in Menassat Mall Starting From 250 meters

Book Your Store in Menassat Mall Starting From 250 meters

The unique features of Menassat Mall New Administrative Capital Seize the opportunity and book your commercial unit within the largest investment project in the heart of the future capital, Menassat

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قديم 09-18-2022, 11:30 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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عدد المشاركات : 210
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي Book Your Store in Menassat Mall Starting From 250 meters

Menassat Mall New Administrative Capital

The unique features of Menassat Mall New Administrative Capital
Seize the opportunity and Book Your commercial unit within the largest investment project in the heart of the future capital, Menassat Mall, and achieve the dream of success, as it includes within it a huge number of exceptional and unparalleled advantages, and you can benefit From them on a wide scale, the most important of which are the following:

The upscale architectural edifice of Menassat New Capital is unique with its attractive interior and exterior designs inspired by the world-class, and the panoramic glass facades have
A very charming and beautiful view of green spaces wrapped around it.
One of the unique features of Menassat Mall is the presence of high-quality and high-speed internet service within all units so that customers can complete their tasks with the required accuracy and speed.
The developer has taken care of securing Menassat Mall well by planting modern television surveillance cameras everywhere and installing powerful electronic gates linked to advanced control systems, in addition to placing security forces to guard 24 hours without interruption to prevent thefts and preserve the lives and properties of investors.
Menassat Mall is environmentally friendly as it relies heavily on renewable solar energy as a source of electricity to reduce pollution.
All units within the Mall are equipped with advanced fire-fighting systems and fire extinguishers everywhere to reduce any losses.
Central air conditioning with advanced cooling systems in all units so that customers can work in a moderate and suitable atmosphere.
The developer company took care of the general aesthetic view of Menassat Project in New Administrative Capital by exploiting the space around it to implement landscapes and dancing fountains with charming views.
Secure and connected garages Control systems that visitors can place as many of their cars in to prevent congestion in front of the interior buildings and maintain the overall aesthetics.
Menassat Tower New Administrative Capital is based on a smart infrastructure with all the service facilities it needs to function perfectly, such as power cables, sewage, internet networks, generators, and others.
All indoor units operate on the Smart Building Technology system, which is the latest in advanced technology systems.
Services available within Menassat Tower New Capital Project
Menassat Tower is the largest commercial, administrative and medical center that has been implemented within New Administrative Capital, as it contains an infinite number of recreational and basic services and important facilities that make an investment inside it a golden opportunity for all customers and investors, the most important of which are the following:

A distinctive area with elegant decorations, with a number of restaurants and cafes designed in the latest style, offering five-star services to serve those with fine taste.

Inside Menassat Mall New Administrative Capital, there is a commercial area that contains all multi-purpose shops that display all consumer goods and services, in addition to the finest brands and international brands that suit all tastes for more entertainment.
Halls equipped with the latest displays and sound systems that can accommodate the largest number of businessmen for holding meetings and conferences.
The internal buildings of Menassat Mall are equipped with a number of elevators and advanced stairs to make it easier for visitors to move between floors freely for more comfort, there are also elevators for workers and cargo transportation.
Within all floors of Menassat Tower, there are toilets equipped at the highest level, some for men and others for women and children for more privacy.
The indoor units work with a sophisticated system called a smart unit, which allows the customer to control his unit using a mobile phone.
An area designed in a refined Islamic style to perform the five duties.
Integrated gym units with the latest equipment and modern sports equipment so that customers can take care of their fitness with the help of a group of experts and the most qualified trainers.
Lounges and gardens with lots of trees and flowers in bloom so customers can sit in when they are done shopping and get some fresh air.
Kids Area is for children with all kinds of games and entertaining activities suitable for their ages so that they can spend the most enjoyable times in luxury and fun.
Spa units, sauna, and jacuzzi at the highest level for more luxury and relaxation.

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

Book Your Store in Menassat Mall Starting From 250 meters

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