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Book Your Unit in Vivid Mall New Capital 100m

Book Your Unit in Vivid Mall New Capital 100m

Book Your Unit in Vivid Mall New Capital 100m

Design Vivid Tower Mall New Administrative Capital The project design was undertaken by IVC Engineering and Consulting Services, a full-fledged engineering services firm that provides a distinctive range of services

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قديم 09-19-2022, 10:56 AM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 2048
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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افتراضي Book Your Unit in Vivid Mall New Capital 100m

Vivid Tower

Design Vivid Tower Mall New Administrative Capital
The project design was undertaken by IVC Engineering and Consulting Services, a full-fledged engineering services firm that provides a distinctive range of services from architectural design, planning, and electromechanical services to implementation supervision.

Hence, Vivid Tower New Capital is executed in a modern and breathtaking architectural style, taking into account the use of international quality standards, the most accurate construction methods, and the best building materials in order to create a luxurious architectural edifice that suits the refined tastes of customers and investors.

Features of Vivid Tower New Administrative Capital
Looking for a quiet and comfortable place with all the elements of sophistication and beauty to start Your new project? Here is Vivid Tower New Capital which has a set of distinctive features including the following:

The strategic location of the unique Vivid Tower Mall in the heart of New Capital, near the most important roads and main axes, which makes access to and from it easy and convenient.
The attractive landscape spread around the project brings comfort and pleasure to the heart within Vivid Tower Mall New Capital.
The facades of the building are self-shading through the dynamic design of the facades and the protrusion of some architectural blocks.
Vivid Tower New Capital allows airflow and natural sunlight in the interior spaces and the entire building.
Providing spaces for rest and relaxation during leisure time on the upper floors of the Vivid Tower project New Administrative Capital.
Social distancing, protection, and health care considerations were taken into account in the design and construction processes.
Vivid Tower allows immediate contact with the environment in direct and indirect ways, depending mainly on the open view of the entire building.
Available services inside Vivid Tower Mall New Capital
Get the life you wish for and the various services you are looking for when you own a distinctive Unit now inside Vivid Tower Mall New Capital, and the most prominent of these services are:

The project includes modern electric elevators, 3 of which are allocated to the administrative floors, one for services, and 2 for commercial units, for ease of moving between the different floors.
Large independent lobby facing the elevators and common meeting rooms on each floor within the project.
Excellent customer service to answer all questions and inquiries.
Elegant lounges and a cafeteria are available to sip a hot or refreshing drink and relax.
Storage rooms and cleaning services in Vivid Tower New Administrative Capital.
The Mall features an automatic opening and closing system for all main entrances, public gates, and public toilets in the event of any emergency.
Periodic maintenance services that resolve all malfunctions immediately within the project.
The Mall includes backup generators that operate automatically in the event of a power outage.
A large hypermarket with all the goods, services, and supplies that the house needs, a project that benefits New Administrative Capital.

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Book Your Unit in Vivid Mall New Capital 100m mall unit vivid your

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