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Commercial Properties for sale in E Tower New Capital 250m²

Commercial Properties for sale in E Tower New Capital 250m²

Commercial Properties for sale in E Tower New Capital 250m²

Features of E Tower Mall New Capital Here are the main distinguishing features that customers of E Tower New Capital Mall enjoy: The unique geographical location in the heart

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قديم 09-19-2022, 12:44 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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عدد المشاركات : 210
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افتراضي Commercial Properties for sale in E Tower New Capital 250m²

E Tower Mall

Features of E Tower Mall New Capital
Here are the main distinguishing features that customers of E Tower New Capital Mall enjoy:

The unique geographical location in the heart of New Administrative Capital in the Central Business District, which is characterized by its successful investment projects and its proximity to the most important landmarks in E Tower Mall New Capital.
International architectural designs are supervised by a group of the best engineers and specialized consultants.
The glass facades that reflect the golden sunlight and give an attractive urban look to the place inside E Tower Mall New Capital.
The smart office space that the client chooses from which what suits the nature of his work in E Mall New Capital.
The mall is surrounded by picturesque green spaces that give an atmosphere of psychological comfort and tranquility.
Available services inside E Tower Mall New Capital
Learn with us about the best services announced by the developer of E Tower Mall New Administrative Capital:

A distinctive group of luxury shops that offer the most luxurious international brands of clothing, shoes, cosmetics, and others, which suit the owners of high taste.
Paying attention to the security aspect by employing highly trained security and guard personnel and installing several surveillance cameras that work non-stop to monitor all movements.
Periodic maintenance services that resolve all malfunctions.
Fire alarm system and waste collection place in E Tower New Capital.
The mall runs on solar energy to keep the environment clean.
You can move between the different floors with ease and convenience through modern electric elevators and escalators in E Tower.
Garages on a large space to accommodate the largest number of cars to prevent congestion in front of E Tower Mall New Administrative Capital.
A children's entertainment area that includes many entertaining and interesting games.
A distinguished group of international restaurants and cafes that offer the most delicious food and the most delicious drinks in a calm atmosphere that reduces the endless work pressures.
Units types and their different spaces in E Tower New Administrative Capital
Do not miss the opportunity for a profitable investment inside E Tower New Capital, which is a luxurious Commercial and administrative project that provides a healthy working environment away from any source of noise or pollution, in the center of New Administrative Capital, which is the future of investment in Egypt.

The mall is built on a huge space of about 14,000 square meters, and it is surrounded by all the elements of success, attraction, and elements of luxury that provide an atmosphere of comfort and productivity, the real estate developer was keen to implement it in a luxurious architectural style with elegant modern decorations, as well as the use of smart spaces that suit the different needs of clients and investors, as follows:

The Commercial space on the ground and first floors start from 40 square meters.
Administrative office spaces start from 30 square meters.

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

Commercial Properties for sale in E Tower New Capital 250m²

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الساعة الآن 06:19 PM

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