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For Sale with Installment A Store 125m Ground Floor in S One

For Sale with Installment A Store 125m Ground Floor in S One

For Sale with Installment A Store 125m Ground Floor in S One

S One New Capital Mall services There are many services provided by the developer company in the place, and there is more than one variety of services that provides you

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قديم 09-19-2022, 08:34 PM   #1
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افتراضي For Sale with Installment A Store 125m Ground Floor in S One

S One New Capital Mall

S One New Capital Mall services
There are many services provided by the developer company in the place, and there is more than one variety of services that provides you with many different advantages that provide a good work environment for the client and add to the competitive advantages in the project.

The various services available in S One New Capital are:

The project works completely on modern systems in operation, which saves effort and time on the client, meaning that it works in the best possible way.
Also, there are many S One Mall New Capital relies on solar energy in the project, which helps preserve the environment without pollution.
In S One Mall New Capital, there are many cafes and restaurants, which provide services to visitors around the clock.
The mall relies on solar energy in the project, which helps preserve the environment without pollution.
In addition, there is a large garage in S One Mall New Capital and has several places, but the cars, which reduces congestion and overcrowding in the place.
In addition to electric elevators and escalators that facilitate the movement of visitors in the place.
Electronic gates are fully secured.
Visitor reception areas in S One Mall New Capital.
Fire extinguishing system in the event of an emergency.
Features of S One New Administrative Capital
There are also many different advantages that the developer has made sure that the customer gets everything he wants and more, which are as follows:

The green spaces and the distinctive landscaping located in S One New Capital, which give it a wonderful aesthetic appearance characterized by being tidy and giving a refreshing atmosphere to the place.
In addition to the in-between spaces in place allow for more privacy and comfort for those who work in the mall.
In addition to an important strategic location located in the downtown area of New Capital, this is a very special place that brings the project close to several main roads.
The presence of more than one type of different units provides great opportunities for customers to obtain their appropriate units in S One Mall New Capital.
Many different spaces make you able to find what suits the nature of S One New Capital.
Spaces and types of units of S One New Capital
The space of ​​the mall is very important and its division also because it provides a wide range of places and units that the customer wants and correspond to his different needs, and the project space is 2660 square meters, which is a wide space with a lot of different things that help to get a very special place.

And the percentages that the developer of the project divided into were really special because the percentage of construction in the place is only 30% of the total project and it is allocated to the units of all kinds, as for the remaining percentage of the project, which amounts to 70% of the place, it is for the facilities, green spaces and the spaces that surround the units in S One New Capital.

The spaces in S One Mall are as follows:

S One project New Capital has a Ground Floor and 10 consecutive floors.
The Ground Floor includes commercial units, shops, and a number of restaurants and cafes, with spaces starting from 30 square meters.
As for the administrative units, they start from 24 square meters.
Many hotel apartments are located on the upper floors and start from 47 square meters.

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For Sale with Installment A Store 125m Ground Floor in S One floor

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