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100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in MONORAIL

100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in MONORAIL

100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in MONORAIL

Services and features available within Monorail Tower Now own your commercial, administrative or medical unit or live in a hotel apartment with exquisite decorations inside Monorail Tower Mall in the

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قديم 09-21-2022, 12:46 AM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 2042
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2022
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افتراضي 100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in MONORAIL

Monorail Tower

Services and features available within MONORAIL Tower
Now own your commercial, administrative or medical unit or live in a hotel apartment with exquisite decorations inside MONORAIL Tower Mall in the New Administrative Capital; It is replete with many services and distinctive features that meet all your needs, and this is evident through the following:

The picturesque geographical location in the heart of the new administrative capital is considered the future of investment in Egypt inside MONORAIL Tower New Capital Mall.
The green nature and the wonderful water bodies surrounding the project provide an atmosphere of psychological calm that helps increase productivity, creativity, and innovation with MONORAIL New Capital.
Monorail Tower is the first mall connected to MONORAIL station in the New Administrative Capital; Which facilitates the process of moving from it to the heart of Cairo and vice versa.
The mall provides its customers with an emergency system that includes an automatic fire alarm.
Spacious garages that accommodate many cars to prevent congestion in front of MONORAIL Tower.
There are places to sit, relax and breathe fresh air outside the tower, along with green gardens and colorful flowers.
Central air conditioning is available inside MONORAIL Tower New Capital Mall to keep the air fresh and at a working temperature.
A high-speed internet service that helps get business done in MONORAIL Tower.
For ease of moving between the different floors within the tower, panoramic elevators and escalators are available.
A luxurious group of restaurants and cafes that provide the best services to customers and residents, and are staffed by the most skilled chefs and workers inside MONORAIL Tower.
Paying attention to the security aspect by employing highly trained security and guard personnel to maintain security and stability inside the mall, in addition to the availability of non-stop surveillance cameras to monitor all movements.
There are conference rooms equipped with the latest technology and the finest furniture within MONORAIL Mall.
The hotel apartments inside the tower are equipped with a cleaning and periodic maintenance service that works to solve all malfunctions if they occur in MONORAIL Mall.
Enjoy an unparalleled buying and shopping experience within a luxurious Commercial area that offers its visitors the finest international brands that suit lovers of fine taste.
A safe entertainment area for children equipped with an entertaining set of games to spend fun times.
Halls to receive visitors in order to meet the different needs of entrepreneurs in MONORAIL New Capital.
An elegant Islamic-style mosque for performing various religious prayers and rituals.
Your guide to knowing the best clinics for sale in the new administrative capital

Units types and their different spaces in MONORAIL Tower Mall
Looking for a distinctive place with high-end designs and a variety of spaces to start your new project? You'll find all of this available inside the MONORAIL Tower Mall!

The New Administrative Capital MONORAIL Tower Mall was designed on a large area of ​​about 12,000 square meters, most of which occupies the various service facilities in the project and green spaces that provide a wonderful atmosphere of relaxation, comfort, and psychology and greatly encourage work, and the remaining part was for the various units among the shop's Administrative offices, medical clinics, pharmacies, and hotel units, with different areas, from which the customer chooses what suits his taste and needs. The following is a presentation of the available spaces within the project:

The space for shops inside MONORAIL Tower starts from 30 square meters.
Administrative office space and medical units start from 34 square Meters in MONORAIL Tower.
The spaces of the hotel apartments inside the mall starts from 60 square Meters inside MONORAIL Project New Capital.
Learn in detail about shops for sale in the new administrative capital

Prices and payment systems available within MONORAIL Tower New Capital Mall
The real estate developer of MONORAIL Tower Mall in the New Administrative Capital was keen to provide very suitable prices for the units, in addition to announcing easy and convenient payment systems that extend over many years to ease the customers' payment process. This helped provide good investment opportunities for young people who want to start new and profitable projects. The prices of the different units within the project can be clarified through the following:

The price per square meter for Commercial units starts from 75,000 EGP up to 180,000 EGP.
The price per square meter for administrative offices and medical units starts from 27,000 EGP and goes up to 40,000 EGP.
The price per square meter for hotel residential units starts from 27,000 EGP up to 40,000 EGP.

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100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in MONORAIL commercial meters monorail properties

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الساعة الآن 09:02 PM

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