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Warsan Second Dubai Washing Machine Repair Washing Machine Repair - How To Fix Your Washing Machine DIY Washer troubleshooting and repair: Here are a few tips on what

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Warsan Second Dubai Washing Machine Repair

Washing Machine Repair - How To Fix Your Washing Machine DIY

Washer troubleshooting and repair: Here are a few tips on what could be going wrong or why your washing machine is broken and how you can fix it. All of these troubleshooting methods can be applied to washing machines made by Whirlpool, Maytag, Samsung, LG, Kenmore, Bosch, GE, and more. See below for 6 easy repair methods for all washer troubleshootingwater not filling, makes noises, not starting, leaking water, moving and vibrating, and detergent not going into washer.
Warsan Second Dubai Washing Machine Repair

15696802373.jpgWarsan First Dubai Washing Machine Repair
Repair 1: Washing Machine Is Not Running - Not Starting
If your washing machine refuses to start, it might not be properly connected to the power source.
However, if it stops running in the middle of a cycle, the machines overload protector might have tripped.
The easiest fix is to take out some of the load from the machine and run it again.

  1. Check the power cord, the source of power and electrical supply, if your washing machine refuses to start.
  2. It is also possible on some washer models with knobs, that the on and off knob might not be working.
  3. Remove power, remove panel, and check wiring or burnt spots on main control assembly/knob.
  4. You can purchase a new washing machine knob or main control assembly if this is your issue.
Repair 2: Washer Is Taking Too Long To Fill Up With Water
The washtub of your washing machine should take only few minutes to completely fill up before starting the spin cycle.
However sometimes you may notice that your washtub is just taking too long to fill up completely.
Here's what might be happening and how to fix it:

  1. The valves that control the amount of water filling the washtub might not be completely open.
  2. In this case, you can simply physically check this valve and make sure that the lever is completely turned on.
  3. The hoses bringing the water into the washtub might be blocked or clogged or the hoses are damaged and need replaced.
  4. In this case, you need to straighten out any kinks in the hose pipe.
  5. Switch off your washing machine and remove the hose pipe from its attachment.
  6. Physically straighten out any kinks you might find.
  7. If the hose pipe is cracked or leaking, replace it with a new drain hose.
  8. It is also possible that the hose pipe is clogged with dirt and grime.
  9. Clean out the hose pipe well, removing all the clogging particles, and attach it back to your washer.
  10. Low water pressure might also be a reason why your washtub is taking too long to fill up.
  11. Ensure that all other water sources of your home are shut and try washing again.
Repair 3: Washing Machine Is Making Grinding Noises
More often than not, overloading your washing machine with more clothes than it can handle causes this common issue.
This is a pretty standard fix.

  1. The drain pump on your washing machine is responsible for draining out all the water from the tub before the spin cycle begins.
  2. However, if this motor starts to make a grinding noise, it might indicate that the drain pump is defective or has a restriction.
  3. Remove the front panel of your washing machine and verify that the source of the noise is from the drain pump.
  4. Remember that you have exposed the open parts of the washing machine.
  5. Be very cautious while dealing with an open washing machine.
  6. Remove the inlet hose from the drain pump, keeping a container handy to catch any excess water from the drain pump or hose.
  7. Inspect the pump to see if it is turning properly without any restriction.
  8. Check to see if any foreign objects are lodged in the pump.
  9. Remove any foreign objects or restrictions from the drain pump, or purchase a new drain pump if required.
Repair 4: Washing Machine Is Leaking Water
Water leaking from washer machines is most commonly caused by hoses or connections that have broken, cracked or become loose.
  1. Make sure that the water leak is not occurring from a backed up standpipe or a leaking hose pipe, which drains the water from the water tub.
  2. Check all the hoses and connections carefully and look for any cracks, loose ends, or breaks in these connections.
  3. You could buy a hose clamp or even completely replace the hose and buy a new one.
  4. If you are overusing detergent in your washing, it could be causing some leakage.
  5. To fix this, you could opt for a low sudsing detergent or just put in less the next time you do your laundry.
  6. A loose tub seal or gasket could also cause water leaks in your washing machine.
  7. Replace the tub seal of your washing machine to fix this.
Repair 5: Washing Machine Is Abnormally Moving/Vibrating/Shaking:
Washing machines usually come with a shock absorber that dampens the movement when it is running.
However, a weakened or damaged shock absorber will cause unnecessary moving and shaking of your washing machine.
If this is not corrected at the earliest, it could cause a lot more damage to your washing machine.

  1. The suspension and tub springs are in charge of stabilizing the tub to the base.
  2. These springs also absorb the shock and reduce the movement of the washing machine while it is spinning.
  3. If these springs become inelastic or damaged, it could be causing unnecessary vibrations.
  4. Replace the suspension springs with new ones and your washing machine will work as good as new.
  5. Many models of washers also have damper pads and snubber rings located at the bottom of the machine.
  6. With normal wear and tear, these parts also loosen up, causing the washing machine to shake uncontrollably.
  7. An anti-vibration damper pad and a new snubber ring is the perfect fix to this problem.
Za'abeel Second Dubai Washing Machine Repair

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