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هاير غسالة إصلاح أبو ظبي

هاير غسالة إصلاح أبو ظبي

Haier Washing Machine Repair Abu Dhabi 7 easy solutions to common washing machine problems Washing machines are essential to any busy household, so when they break it's important they're

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قديم 09-28-2019, 06:32 PM   #1
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افتراضي هاير غسالة إصلاح أبو ظبي

Haier Washing Machine Repair Abu Dhabi

7 easy solutions to common washing machine problems
Washing machines are essential to any busy household, so when they break it's important they're quickly fixed. Here are seven easy solutions to washing machine problems you may face. Danet Abu Dhabi Washing Machine Repair

1. Washer won't run?
  • No power to unit- double check that the washer is plugged into a functioning power source.
  • Make sure the cycle-selection knob is in the correct position.

2. Is your motor overheated?
  • Check for blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker; make sure unit is securely plugged in.
  • Make sure lid is closed.
  • Make sure knob is in correct position and pulled out for operation.
  • Wait for motor to cool.
  • Call for service if machine still won't start.

3. Machine fills with water but won't start?
This might be a faulty lid switch. Gate City Abu Dhabi Washing Machine Repair Abu Dhabi
  • Turn on washer; lid switch is located in small hole by the tub opening and is activated by small lever on the lid.
  • Stick pencil in hole; if machine starts running, replace the lever. If it doesn't run, switch is faulty and needs to be replaced.

4. Washtub won't spin?
This could be because of an unbalanced load, a faulty transmission, or a loose drive belt.

  • Open lid and rearrange laundry in tub.
  • If the washer is still not spinning, call for service and replace or repair transmission or drive belt.

5. Washtub fills too slowly?
There are a few reasons why your washtub may be filling slowly:
  • Water valves may not be fully open: Open valves fully (on single-lever valve systems, make sure lever is in "on" position).
  • Hoses may be kinked or blocked: Straighten any kinks. To unblock, shut off water to machine and unscrew hoses from back of machine. Remove obstructions, and clean and rinse any clogged filters.
  • Low water pressure: Don't use water in other areas of house while washer is running.

6. Water temperature too hot or too cold?
If your water temperature is too hot or too cold, it could be because:
  • The water valves not open equally or are reversed: Open valves equally, and switch if reversed.
  • The water heater temperature may be set too low: If water entering machine is less than 50°C (120°F) (use a meat or candy thermometer to measure), raise thermostat slightly.
  • The water may be cooling on way to washing machine: Insulate hot water pipe supplying washing machine.

7. Machine won't agitate?
If your machine won't agitate, it might be because:
  • Clothing caught under agitator: Remove clothing from agitator.
  • Blocked pump: Free obstruction to pump or replace pump.
  • Faulty lid switch, timer, drive belt, solenoid or transmission: Test and replace any faulty parts; call for service if the machine still won't agitate. Haier Washing Machine Repair Abu Dhabi

Washing machines can be problematic, but the solution might be easier than you think. Before you call for a repair, try to resolve the problem by trying one of these easy solutions.

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