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breast implants and Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey Istanbul | Medicsey

breast implants and Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey Istanbul | Medicsey

breast implants and Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey Istanbul | Medicsey

Breast enlargement also appears in men who are obese or overweight, as fat is deposited in the chest muscle area and fatty tissue comes over the breast area to highlight

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قديم 09-18-2023, 02:20 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 2198
تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2022
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عدد المشاركات : 26
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افتراضي breast implants and Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey Istanbul | Medicsey

What is Gynecomastia in Turkey?
Breast enlargement also appears in men who are obese or overweight, as fat is deposited in the chest muscle area and fatty tissue comes over the breast area to highlight the appearance of the enlarged breast. This condition is referred to as pseudo-male breast enlargement, and it can be treated either with Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey or without surgery.
Evidence is mounting that the use of certain drugs causes breasts to enlarge in men to become bodybuilders, hormones and suffer from glandular pain in the chest area. This is also one of the reasons why men who have previously undergone breast enlargement correction Surgery resort to a corrective operation.
What is Breast implant surgery in Turkey?
Women can now choose from a wide range of sizes, outer shapes, and fill materials. In addition to the desired breast size, the shape of the rib cage, connective tissue structure, and the position of the mammary glands and breast skin must be considered. For implant types, you have the option to choose an anatomically shaped version that conveys a natural impression. Or one opts for a round implant that is plump and somewhat "sexy", but also looks more artificial. As for the cost of breast implants in Turkey, it varies according to the types of fillings to be used
Surgery Time | MEDICSEY Turkey:
The Gynecomastia procedure usually takes about an hour or two to complete, depending on the amount of tissue to be removed.
The duration of breast implant Surgery in Turkey is approximately one to two hours under general anesthesia

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