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eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty | MEDICSEY Turkey

eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty | MEDICSEY Turkey

eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty | MEDICSEY Turkey

Are there special types of eyes that require caution during surgery? Eyelid surgery operations are often unsuccessful for two types of eyes: • Sad eyes: They are the eyes in which

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قديم 09-22-2023, 09:43 PM   #1
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تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2022
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افتراضي eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty | MEDICSEY Turkey

Eyelid surgery before and after
Are there special types of eyes that require caution during surgery?
Eyelid surgery operations are often unsuccessful for two types of eyes:
• Sad eyes: They are the eyes in which the lowering of the front eyelid and the eyebrow is large, and the bony edge is clearly prominent because of the heavy eyelid shape. In this case, instead of removing a large part of the skin from the eyelid, the eyebrow should be returned to its proper place.
• Round eyes: They are the eyes that appear large in relation to their orbit because the eyelids are raised with muscles at the age of youth, but they begin to sag with age. The round eye is very sensitive and the operation must be performed with complete caution so that it does not have any long-term complications. In some difficult cases of the round eye, surgery is performed on the bone of the eye orbit and the wrinkles around the eye orbit are treated through peeling, Botox, and others according to the severity of the wrinkles.

What is the blepharoplasty operation in Turkey?
It is an operation to lift drooping eyelids (upper eyelid surgery), remove eye bags, and tighten excess skin (lower eyelid surgery). It can also be a double operation on the upper and lower eyelids according to the needs of the patient and the advice of the doctor. blepharoplasty Turkey surgery makes you look younger, more refreshed and improves the overall appearance of the face. It is best to meet with the surgeon to discuss your case and see if this surgery is right for you. You can find the best blepharoplasty surgeon in Turkey. The best ophthalmologists who have extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery and blepharoplasty Turkey and blepharoplasty cost in Turkey Istanbul is so affordable.

Why blepharoplasty Turkey with medicsey team?
• We have free consultations tailored to your case.
• We have the best blepharoplasty surgeon in Istanbul for this operation with an integrated team equipped with the latest medical equipment.
Despite this, blepharoplasty istanbul price with our team is acceptable compared to other places.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty | MEDICSEY Turkey || الكاتب: medicsey || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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