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دبي لتصليح الغسالات

Port Saeed Dubai Washing Machine Repair Common Washing Machine Problems and Solutions Like all household appliances - there are a range of things that can

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قديم 10-16-2019, 03:13 PM   #1
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Port Saeed Dubai Washing Machine Repair

Common Washing Machine Problems and Solutions

Port Saeed Dubai Washing Machine Repair

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Za'abeel First Dubai Washing Machine Repair
Like all household appliances - there are a range of things that can go wrong with your washing machine, leaving you without a way of cleaning your clothes. From water leaking onto your floor to holes mysteriously appearing in your favourite clothes, washing machine problems can be some of the most frustrating.
Often, these issues will only get worse if they're not repaired straight away, so make sure to diagnose and troubleshoot any washing machine issues immediately using our guide to common washing machine problems and effective solutions.

What's the problem if my washing machine won't spin?
If your washing machine isn't spinning, the first thing you should check is that the switch on the door or lid is not broken.
This switch controls the locking mechanism for the door or lid and will prevent the washing machine from operating if it can't lock the door properly. It can be broken over time through repeated use or can be damaged by excessive force.
To test if this is the issue with your washing machine, locate the switch on the inside of your washing machine door or lid and press and release it. It should make a clicking noise when you do this - if not then it might be broken.
Door switches can be bought online or at hardware stores and you can replace them yourself or use a washing machine repair service.

Why is my washing machine leaking?
A leaking washing machine is one of the scariest faults, especially if you're living in an apartment building where you could be risking flooding the apartment below every time you put on a wash.
When you notice a leak coming from your washing machine, the first thing you should do is turn it off and begin checking the pipe and hose connections. The drain and fill hoses at the back of the machine should be tightly secured and the drain pipe should be properly secured in the household drain connection.
Washing machines also have internal hoses that can be checked by removing the front or rear panel. If you find no faulty pipes or hoses externally, check inside for cracked, perforated, or loose hoses that might be leaking. Replacement hoses can usually be found online for fairly cheap but if it's a pipe that's broken, calling a professional is advised.
Why does my washing machine smell bad?
The most likely cause of a washing machine that smells is an overgrowth of bacteria that's usually caused by mould or a build up of lint and detergent.
Mould thrives in warm and damp places, and the leftover detergent or lint that can build up over time can give it the perfect place to start growing. These build ups are normally located in the lint filter, the rubber seal on the door, or the detergent drawer, so check these places first.
As well as manually finding the build ups and removing them, you can run a regular hot wash but keep the drum empty apart from a little bit of white vinegar. This will kill any accumulated bacteria and help to neutralise any nasty smells.

Why is my washing machine shaking?
A washing machine that constantly shakes can damage floors and counter tops, damage internal components, and create enough noise to wake people up at night.
If your washing machine has a shaking problem, check to see if there are clothes stuck in the door or piled up on one side of the drum. Although you'd expect that a washing machine's rotation would redistribute an uneven load, this can be the cause of excessive vibrations, shaking, or 'walking'.
If it's not unevenly distributed loads that are causing your washing machine to shake, it could be that the feet aren't even. You can buy replacement feet if you've lost one, or if they're simply misaligned you can adjust them easily yourself.

Umm Suqeim Second Washing Machine Repair

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