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كيف لتنظيف غرفة نومك بكفاءة

كيف لتنظيف غرفة نومك بكفاءة

كيف لتنظيف غرفة نومك بكفاءة

How In order to Clean Your Bedroom Efficiently and thoroughly: A Easy and quick Guide The key element to cleaning an area easily is an understanding of what duties to

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قديم 03-20-2020, 10:25 PM   #1
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افتراضي كيف لتنظيف غرفة نومك بكفاءة

How In order to Clean Your Bedroom Efficiently and thoroughly: A Easy and quick Guide The key element to cleaning an area easily is an understanding of what duties to tackle first as well as knowing what resources you have before you begin (so you do not need to move forth and back through the house of yours a thousand times), along with possessing a basic summary of directions in the order you have to go in to make sure that not much thinking is needed. Discover almost all that and much more with this article.

Supplies and tools to collect BEFORE you begin cleaning:

Vacuum (with a hand attachment)
Dusting resources of your respective choosing (like a light, a well used clothes & all purpose cleaner rag)
A broom (or an item with much handle)
An older pillowcase
Window cleaner, clothes rags
Thoroughly clean the room of yours in this particular order:

1. Declutter and pick-up
Get things which do not belong in the bedroom out. Throw dirty clothes laundry into hampers simply rehang up any garments that you might have attempted on and left out. Clean off of the surfaces of yours almost as you are able to of items which do not usually begin them.

2. Take a well used pillow case and also dust your fan blades (in case you've a fan) or perhaps completely clean out in any ceiling light fixtures. (Important In order to have the dirty sheets of yours on your bed to capture virtually any falling dust and spider webs.)' How you can Clean Your Ceiling Fan The simple Way and' How To Clean Ceiling Light Fixtures.

3. De spider web
Have a broom on the sides of your respective ceiling to dust away any spider webs.

4. Start the laundry
Strip the bed of yours and get all the dirty laundry of yours with the hamper and begin a load in the washer.

5. Dust throughout the surfaces
Pay particular focus on the nightstand and dresser tops. Do not only dry dust.use a moist cloth to actually brush up lock as well as dust it from resettling. Do not overlook the tops of mirrors, art and any extras in the space.

6. Wipe the glass windows and the mirrors with window cleaner

7. Wipe/dust the screens and vacuum the curtains
Try using a hand attachment together with your vacuum to reach the hard-to-get spots.' Saturday Assignment: Clean The Blinds of yours!

8. Vacuum the floor
Spend additional time behind/under the bed and behind furniture. When you are feeling especially daring, think about vacuuming the mattress.' How In order to Clean The Mattress of yours

9. Remake the bed
Take time to try new stuff out there so it feels as if your bedroom is neat and fresh.' five Quick Ways to Design your Bed Look New By Bedtime (No Power Tools Required)

10. Set up the nightstand of yours such as a pro
Focus on functionality and also aesthetics.' A much better Bedside by Bedtime: six Ideas to Design your Nightstand Look & Function Better

عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: كيف لتنظيف غرفة نومك بكفاءة || الكاتب: kmalramisamer || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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 منتدى شقاوة غير مسؤول عن أي اتفاق تجاري أو تعاوني بين الأعضاء
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الساعة الآن 10:34 PM

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