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جامبل دبي

جامبل دبي

جامبل دبي

Jumble Dubai 1. Dubai Ice Rink The Dubai Ice rink is ideal for all those that like to get active. Children (and parents) is able to slide down

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قديم 03-27-2020, 01:49 PM   #1
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افتراضي جامبل دبي

Jumble Dubai
1. Dubai Ice Rink

The Dubai Ice rink is ideal for all those that like to get active. Children (and parents) is able to slide down the ice with glee, with tickets valued from Dhs75 for Dhs40 and adults for kids on a summer time special. You will find an array of public skating occasions, martial arts classes and even a snowfall experience - in which you are able to skate your way more or less as ice falls.

Dubai Ice Rink, Dubai, Dubai Mall, Ground Level, everyday 12am to 12pm. Tel: 800 382246255. dubaiicerink.com

2. The Green Planet

It is difficult never to be amazed by nature at this exotic rainforest, home to more than 3000 plants & animals. Little ones is intrigued with activities like the Sloth Encounter, The Bat Cave, The Sugar Glider Encounter as well as the latest Australian Walkabout. There's in addition a fantastic assortment of exotic fish to gaze at and, all those feeling brave, may also hold a Python.

The Green Planet, City Walk, Dubai, Sunday to Wednesday 10am to 7pm, Thursday to Saturday, 10am to 8pm, offered by Dhs89. Tel: (04) 317 399. thegreenplanetdubai.com

3. Jumble

This one is a bit better suited for young parents, as Jumble welcomes kids aged twelve and over. Organizations are going to work in concert taking on a number of mental and physical problems making it throughout the maze.

Jumble, Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai, everyday 12pm to 12am,' Premium Package, Dhs129 a individual. Tel: 800 586 253. jumble.ae

4. Pizza making at Pizza Express

Pizza is somewhat of a common favourite, therefore this particular pizza-making party produced by Pizza Express is a good way for babies to enjoy and also find out food preparation abilities while they create their very own creations. They will get a selection of ingredients, a cup of orange or apple juice along with a chef's apron and hat. Naturally, when prepared, they will have the ability to tuck into the delicious pizzas of theirs.

5. Hub Zero

The UAE's very first immersive entertainment park, Hub Zero is an enormous indoor facility with eighteen awesome attractions and rides which includes ascending zones, virtual reality as well as video games areas with adrenaline filled activities as laser quest. It is a gamer's paradise.

Hub Zero, City Walk, Phase two, Dubai, Saturday to Wednesday 12pm to 11pm, Friday and Thursday 12pm to 12am, offered by Dhs165. Tel: 800 637227. hubzerodubai.com

6. Kidzania

Created for kids aged four to sixteen, Kidzania is really a 7000 square metre town of fun with over sixty activities for kids to deal with. Inside, kids are able to deal with real life scenarios, role play various jobs and generate special' kidzania' cash.

Kidzania, The Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai, weekdays 10am to 10pm, holidays 10am to 11pm, Dhs75 person, Dhs185 kid. Tel: (800) 382246255. kidzania.ae

7. Kartdrome

Dubai Autodrome provides an exciting day trip for any age providing the opportunity for individuals to find out the racing driver dreams of theirs. Their interior space Kartdrome is ideal for when the weather conditions gets pretty warm and the newer people are able to appreciate it also with meticulously monitored karting sessions for children aged seven to twelve.

Dubai Autodrome, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, 9am to 9pm, day Kartdrome coming from Dhs105, Tel: (four) 367 8700. dubaiautodrome.com

8. Underwater Zoo and dubai Aquarium

Some 33,000 fish, sharks & rays call Dubai Aquarium house. The 10 million litre container is loaded with marine life, plus and being ready to appreciate from the exterior, Dubai Aquarium provides a selection of experiences for getting up, close as well as personal with the wildlife that call the aquarium house, from nourishing sting rays to swimming with sharks.

Underwater Zoo and dubai Aquarium, The Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai, day 10am to midnight, Dhs130 on the internet, Dhs175 along the door. thedubaiaquarium.com

9. TEPfactor

TEPfactor challenges organizations to work in concert to resolve several issues round the' cave'. They provide a selection of party packages for all those that crave a little adventure, with children aged eight to twelve playing from Dhs79 plus 13+ from Dhs99.

TEPfactor Dubai, Bahar Plaza, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai, Sun to Wed 12pm to 12am, Thurs to Sat 12pm to 1am, through Dhs79 hourly. Tel: (056) 404 0802. tepfactor.ae

10. iFly Dubai

Ever thought about what it is love to skydive but never ever need step straight from a plane? For an entirely exhilarating experience that quite different from the typical family day out recreation, iFLY Dubai is an obvious must try. You will be used up 4 meters airborn in which you will go against gravity, held in place such as you are free falling.

Ifly Dubai, Third Floor, Play Nation Area, City Centre, Sheikh Zayed Road, Sunday to Thursday 12pm to 10pm, Saturday and Friday 10am to 11pm, Dhs220. Tel: (04) 231 6292. theplaymania.com

عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: جامبل دبي || الكاتب: kmalramisamer || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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