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Best Investment Places in Egypt

Best Investment Places in Egypt

Best Investment Places in Egypt

investment is one of the most successful types of investments in the whole world as it is a central concern of major companies, governments and businessmen to invest their money

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قديم 06-03-2021, 01:18 AM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 1768
تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2021
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نور احمددد غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Best Investment Places in Egypt

Real estate Investment is one of the most successful types of investments in the whole world as it is a central concern of major companies, governments and businessmen to invest their money and to keep its acquisition value.

Real estate Investment has no place to lose as you invest pound to get it thousand pounds after a while as the real estate market is always increasing but if you decide to invest your money in the real estate market you must get enough information about it before entering it in order to get the Best results and make more profits so we will provide you with some details and information related to the real estate market and real estate Investment in Egypt that you should know before taking the step of buying and entering the real estate market and you should know the Best areas for real estate Investment in Egypt.

The Best Places in Egypt for real estate Investment

New Cairo

New Cairo is of the newest and most prestigious new cities and has a privileged location in Cairo governorate, where residents of Heliopolis and Nasr City prefer to move to it to enjoy its calm and high-end services.

Location: The city is located on the eastern side of Greater Cairo near the Ring Road, Maadi, Kattameya Road/Ain Sokhna, and Cairo/Suez Road

Top Services: Cairo Festival City – Porto Cairo Mall – Downtown Mall – Concord Plaza – American International School in Egypt (AIS) – American University – German University – Platinum Club – Wadi Degla Club – The Music Tent – Meeting Point.

Top Compounds: Stone Residence, Hyde Park New Cairo, Taj City, Swan Lake, District 5, Sarai, and Mivida., Fifth Square

Prices: Average price per meter for apartments: 9,500 EGP – average price per meter for villas: from 18,000 up to 20,000 EGP.

New Capital

There is no doubt that the New Administrative Capital is at the forefront of population and real estate seekers’ turnout due to its reliance on smart and technical methods in providing a distinct life commensurate with the modern era.

The New Administrative Capital is located on the border of Badr city between Cairo/Suez and Cairo/Ain Sokhna roads just east of the regional ring road, just after New Cairo, Madinaty, and Mostakbal City.

The New Administrative Capital is considered as a promising area in the future as the number of arrivals of the construction of urban and residential projects and integrated services is increasing and it is also the concern of governments and state bodies to establish projects within and transfer state bodies and authorities where the minister of Higher education has announced about the establishment of many international universities such as the American University and the Canadian University in the New Administrative Capital. There were also reports of the transfer of the headquarters of the Central Bank to it and some government banks.

These features are a major reason for the high price per meter in the New Administrative Capital more than other regions, where the price per meter starts from 11,000 pounds.

El Shorouk City

El Shorouk in Cairo is located on Kilo 37 of Cairo-Ismailia road and is characterized by calm and green spaces and the presence of a strong city system where the ease of its transportation network that connects it to other areas and public bus lines and strong infrastructure, electricity, and water network, so residents flee there in search of calm, beauty and stability.

The price per meter in El Shorouk starts from 5000 EGP and is expected to increase in the coming period due to the more influx of residents to it.

6th of October City

6th October is one of the oldest new cities, with 12 districts and most of its neighborhoods characterized by good architectural organization and paved roads that connect it easily to the Capital and its strict construction requirements.

6 October City is characterized by clean energy and low temperature due to its high level above the sea level

The price of the luxury areas and neighborhoods of October is different from the other where it starts from 6000 EGP as the average price per meter in the lowest-priced areas

Prosperous real estate Investment Rules

1-Selecting the region or Area:

There is no doubt that the choice of the region is a key factor in the success of real estate Investment as your choice of property in a distinct and fully urban area will affect the price of the meter in the future and increase the demand for it, making profit bigger, the quality of the property is also a very important factor, so check the property thoroughly before the purchase process and make sure the infrastructure is established and the quality of the electricity meters so as not to spend too much on repairing them.

2-Market Research:

Studying the real estate market before entering it is very important to ensure the success of the real estate Investment process, where it is necessary to study and follow up the latest developments in the real estate market and measure the ratio of profits and risk exposure and its analysis.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: Best Investment Places in Egypt || الكاتب: نور احمددد || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

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