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شركة مكافحه النمل الابيض بالرياض - وللتواصل عبر واتس اب 0558704959 ,

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شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض -0538156829

شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض -0538156829

شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض -0538156829

Looking for the best company or institution to in? Do not have enough time to your house yourself? Are you tired of trying to clean sensitive electrical appliances in your

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قديم 07-18-2019, 09:48 PM   #1
رقم العضوية : 660
تاريخ التسجيل : Jul 2019
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 37
عدد النقاط : 10
قوة التقييم :
جهات الاتصال :

الدعيجى للعوازل غير متواجد حالياً

أوسمة العضو
لاتوجد أوسمة لـ الدعيجى للعوازل
Thumbs up شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض -0538156829

Looking for the best company or institution to clean houses in?
Do not have enough time to clean your house yourself?
Are you tired of trying to clean sensitive electrical appliances in your home?
Have you damaged some devices and objects while trying to clean them?
Do you need apartment cleaning companies, marble cleaning or glass cleaning, sofa cleaning, carpet cleaning or bedding cleaning?
Are you aware of the many companies operating in Kuwait and the conflicting prices?
With Fast company goodbye to the fatigue and fatigue that you suffered while cleaning your home .. We are doing all the charge for you?
✅ With a fast company goodbye to the time a lot lost in the cleaning of the household .. Call now and keep your time and effort.
✅ With Fast Cleaning Company, you do not have to worry about having parties, weddings and big weddings. We are in need of you.
✅ With the company Fast keep your equipment and your purposes of damage .. We have specialized equipment and materials, which do so without damaging anything.
Why we?

?? Because we are the largest and first company in Kuwait in the field of cleaning services in all its forms.
?? Because we have 15 years of experience in cleaning all governorates of Kuwait.
?? Because we have women's labor and men's employment as per your request.
?? Because we have very experienced workers in the field of cleaning, and also have been trained at the highest level to ensure the efficiency and quality of work.
?? We use the latest, strongest and best imported original cleaning materials and powders.
?? We have the most modern modern equipment in the field of house cleaning.
?? Distinguishing speed in implementation: When we talk about speed Fast company is the fastest ever, no more wasting time now.
?? Distinguished accuracy and high skill.
?? We work 24 hours a day throughout the week to let you choose the time that suits you to keep you comfortable and your time.
Carpet and carpet cleaning and upholstery
Carpet cleaning shows the cleanliness of the house and paper, so you look for a lot of carpet cleaning companies, because the carpet needs to wash twice a year at least, and know that carpet cleaning is very difficult to weight, the housewife and even the servants can not do properly, so we as a specialized company , We have modern tools and well-trained workers, enough to complete this work for you, professionally and quickly, while preserving the raw materials and carpets.

- We do the best for you .. Cleaning the carpet without water or cleaning the water or cleaning carpet dry steam depending on the type of spot and the type of carpet.

- We clean the long-linted carpet, and also clean the carpet with a short lint, each with its own way and tools.

Clean the cupboard and remove the stains
It is considered one of the most important pieces of the house, often in each room or more sofa, there is a sofa in the reception as a salon, and also in the living room, where the comfortable sofa and large jacks, in addition to the children's room where always put a small sofa used for parking.
As a result, it is clear that the various types of kebabs are repeatedly exposed to stains, whether from food stains, patches of dirt or other stains, because of the contact of the children's hands, as they play all over.

It is also very difficult for the housewife to clean the cupboard, because it needs specialists to be difficult to work on, so Fast is interested in cleaning the kennab great attention, and offers wonderful solutions to clean the canap, the latest methods and the latest tools, detergents and skilled labor trained and experienced in every Types and shapes of various kernels and materials, and also our workers with great experience in the use of the right kind of detergent for each spot.

Company - Cleaning - Apartments - Kuwait

Cleaning and polishing marble
Marble is a very strong stone, but most of the things that are damaged in your home and need special attention. Care must be taken during the cleaning of the marble because scratches and digging often occur during the cleaning process, as it does not tolerate acids or strong detergents.

Acidic materials such as vinegar, lemon and strong detergents such as flash, hibiscus and others work on marble scratching and drilling work, so it is prohibited to use.

Also cleaning and polishing marble from the very exhausting processes, so prefer to use a cleaning company to deal with this matter, and therefore Fast provides the service of cleaning and polishing the raw with a high degree of efficiency, as we use specialized detergents for marble only, we maintain luster and gloss and protect against scratching completely.

تنظيف Cleaning mattresses, curtains and other furnishings
Polishing and polishing tiles

Cleaning of glass facades and polishing mirrors

Cleaning of ceramic, porcelain and flooring

Cleaning of kitchens
Cleaning kitchens is one of the most difficult places in cleaning because it is susceptible to different types of oils and stains stubborn and hard to housewife cleaning and need a specialized company. We at the Fast Company we need .. Goodbye to any patches or signs in the potageways, walls or floors in the kitchen.

*Cleaning of electrical appliances
Some electrical devices are exposed to continuous dust and it is difficult to clean it because it may be damaged or malfunction if it is touched in the wrong place .. Now with the company Fast specialized staff to clean the equipment without damage and without exposure to any problems or failures of current or future.

Cleaning of refrigerators and stoves
The cookers are exposed to the most common types of fatty stains, which are difficult to clean with regular detergents. It is ordered to us by the detergent for the cookers and the custom tools. We can clean the stains of the cookers without any problems.

Also refrigerators, exposed to difficult spots, and difficult to clean, and afraid housewife, to do something wrong leading to a refrigerator failure, so it is necessary to deal with a specialist company, in the cleaning of appliances, refrigerators and cookers, now contact Fast and do not hesitate.

Cleaning of walls and walls

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

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 منتدى شقاوة غير مسؤول عن أي اتفاق تجاري أو تعاوني بين الأعضاء
فعلى كل شخص تحمل مسئولية نفسه إتجاه مايقوم به من بيع وشراء وإتفاق وأعطاء معلومات موقعه
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الساعة الآن 06:13 PM

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