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The cheapest 190 m² shop for sale with garden in Pioneer Plaza

The cheapest 190 m² shop for sale with garden in Pioneer Plaza

The cheapest 190 m² shop for sale with garden in Pioneer Plaza

Pioneer Plaza Mall is currently being implemented by Global Pioneer for Housing and Investment, and it is a great opportunity for investing. It is located in the New Administrative Capital,

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قديم 06-30-2021, 04:20 AM   #1
Junior Member
رقم العضوية : 1768
تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 26
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افتراضي The cheapest 190 m² shop for sale with garden in Pioneer Plaza

Pioneer Plaza mall is currently being implemented by Global Pioneer for Housing and Investment, and it is a great opportunity for investing. It is located in the New Administrative Capital, which is one of the most important cities in Egypt today, due to the presence of government institutions and other vital locations.

Pioneer mall New Capital Location Benefits
The entire façade of Pioneer Plaza mall overlooks a number of main streets.

Pioneer Plaza mall is located in a very privileged location within the New Administrative Capital, which has recently become one of the most important cities in Egypt, due to its privileged location, as it is the focal point between the capital Cairo and the Suez Road, which ends with the port of Suez, one of the most important ports in the world. The advantages of the site are illustrated by the following:

Pioneer Plaza mall is located in MU 23, specifically in plot A10, one of the most vital areas in the Administrative Capital, as it is located within walking distance of the gold market, and Al Amal Axis.
The mall is close to the financial and business district, ensuring high demand and a lot of customers in the vicinity.
MU 23, where the mall is located, is one of the largest populated areas in the Administrative Capital, as it contains the R2 and R3 residential districts, with up to 30,000 residential units in total.
Pioneer Plaza mall is close to many important landmarks, most notably the Monorail station and Sports City, which is expected to host a number of championships by 2021.
It is also a few minutes from the Olympic Village and directly faces the Canadian University gate.
Located on the starting point of Al Amal Axis, making it very close to the Axis of Mohammed bin Zayed, which is the link between the Administrative Capital and the Suez Road.
It is worth mentioning that MU 23, where the mall is located, is one of the residential areas to be completed first, with many residential units already implemented and delivered to customers, making this location a valuable investment opportunity.
for more visit Real Estate Egypt

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The cheapest 190 m² shop for sale with garden in Pioneer Plaza for sale mall

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