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شركة مكافحه النمل الابيض بالرياض - وللتواصل عبر واتس اب 0558704959 ,

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منتدى شقاوة منتديات شقاوة منتدى شقاوه التجاري اسواق سيتي

nifty fraudulent website

nifty fraudulent website

nifty fraudulent website

Fake and fraudulent website Maybe it happened to you, maybe not. But be careful you might be their next victim. But please note there is new and nifty fraudulent

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قديم 08-28-2021, 04:46 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1198
تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2020
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افتراضي nifty fraudulent website

nifty fraudulent website m

Fake and fraudulent website www.dpd-parcels.com
Maybe it happened to you, maybe not. But be careful you might be their next victim. But please note there is new and nifty fraudulent website up and running. The scammers did a extensive job to make a really well-organized impression. The scammer tries to sell a product via a fake ad e.g. https://www.annunci.net/ Next an escrow party is suggested to make sure you receive the product. The scammers will share you a fraudulent link, with fraudulent information: https://www.dpd-parcels.com/buyer_protection.php to get your trust so the fraudulent party can start their scam.

Next an ‘official’ document is produced which is actually a fraudulent PDF-document produced by the scammers. It includes fake tracking information where you can follow the product. You need to transfer the money to the scammers and share your payment details. The fraudulent parties will feed you with information occasionally, but do not be fooled: the scammers make sure the product will never arrive because the ad is fake.

DPD-parcels.com is fake
The scammers from the fraudulent website claim to work with DPD but they are not. This is checked and confirmed. Be careful and be warned for these scammers and fraudulent people from dpd-parcels.com.

This is what the scammers claim, but be aware it is all fake and fraudulent:
The transaction is checked, and you are 100% secure and protected. Your payment is provided until you confirm whether or not you buy the product.
We release the funds to the seller only after receipt of the package, inspected and accepted by the buyer. If the product does not meet the agreed conditions or is damaged, the buyer has the right to reject the package and receive a full refund. The buyer will receive the total amount sent, the shipping fees are accepted by the seller and send the package with another additional shipping company.

After you deposit the product price to our bank account, you must send us the scanned document or a photo of the first payment from the bank (payment confirmation) by e-mail. Shipping will be started as soon as payment confirmation is received. The transport will take about 5-6 days, and the package will be delivered directly to your home anyway, you can contact us with the best hour when our couriers can come to your parcel.
We are a franchise branch collaborated with all DPD agencies in Europe!

Important: Take more steps to protect both the buyer (receiver) and the seller (sender) against fraud:
- All payments made by the buyer (receiver) are verified as "good funds" before the start of transport;
- Expeditions are provided and tracked by our shipping service to ensure the seller (sender) sent and the buyer (receiver) received the goods;


Reply from DPD official support:

Good afternoon,

This is not a known DPD site. The following sites are from dpd: DPD.com (or depending on country)/ DPDgroup.com. I would like to advise you to contact the relevant support/contact.

I hope to have informed you sufficiently.

Kind regards,


As written above www.dpd-parcels.com is a fraudulent party selling fake products. dpd-parcels.com is the work of scammers. Be aware

Subject: Fake and fraudulent website : www.dpd-parcels.com

عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: nifty fraudulent website || الكاتب: كريم يونس || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

منتديات شقاوه منتدى شقاوة منتدى سويقي اسواق سوق

ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

nifty fraudulent website

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 منتدى شقاوة غير مسؤول عن أي اتفاق تجاري أو تعاوني بين الأعضاء
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الساعة الآن 11:10 PM

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