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Get Townhouse In Al Karma Gates Compound With 10% Down payment

Get Townhouse In Al Karma Gates Compound With 10% Down payment

Get Townhouse In Al Karma Gates Compound With 10% Down payment

Al Karma Gates Sheikh Zayed Compound is waiting for you. The features of luxury, sophistication, and grandeur you will find only in Al Karma Gates Compound Sheikh Zayed, a place

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قديم 09-19-2021, 11:50 AM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Get Townhouse In Al Karma Gates Compound With 10% Down payment

Al Karma Gates Sheikh Zayed Compound is waiting for you.
The features of luxury, sophistication, and grandeur you will find only in Al Karma Gates Compound Sheikh Zayed, a place pulses With all the details of urbanization and beauty that attract lovers of excellence only if you are one of them, this place is what suits you and suits what you think of a sophisticated future for all your family members.

Al Karma Gates Compound combines all the elements of success, as it is an exceptional place that has been professionally planned to include the largest number of basic and recreational facilities and features that make this project uncomparable With any other residential complex, the owner company has put in it a summary of its expertise and its technical, engineering and material capabilities to produce a distinctive project With international designs beyond imagination.

This Compound is a huge and promising project owned by Al Karma Development, it is the right choice that provides you With everything you need to feel happy With your family in a life full of luxury and joy, do not hesitate and choose your unit now.

Know in detail the best compounds in Sheikh Zayed

Enjoy a unique location in a distinctive compound
Al Karma Gates Project is characterized by its exclusive location, which was carefully chosen between the new Sheikh Zayed City and the old Sheikh Zayed City, as it is close to the main and important roads and axes, and various health and educational services, which make access to the location very easy, and it is also a short distance from:

This project is located near Beverly Hills.
It is also 4 minutes away from Cairo/Alexandria Road.
It is a 10-minutes from the desert road gates.
In addition, it is about 15 minutes away from Arkan Mall and Americana Plaza.
Al Karma Gates is separated from the Axis, Hyper One, and Juhayna Square by approximately 10 minutes.
Click Here for Villas for sale in Sheikh Zayed

All the features you need and more inside Al Karma Gates compound
Al Karma Gates Sheikh Zayed Compound is one of the most important residential projects that have been established in this vital area. The Compound includes all the services needed by anyone looking for luxury, prosperity, comfort, and privacy in one place. Al Karma Gates Sheikh Zayed, you will find yourself in another world of pleasure and tranquility, all you need surrounds you everywhere, in addition to its proximity to all major cities and important facilities, and here we will mention some of the distinguishing features of this project:

The green spaces represent one of the most important features inside Al Karma Gates Compound, up to 80% of the total space of ​​the project, and they are distributed in a coordinated and attractive manner throughout the entire Compound to give calmness and mental serenity required within it.
The various water bodies have a large share of presence within the project. They have been combined With the distinctive landscape to give a wonderful aesthetic painting that radiates joy and beauty within the compound.
The location is one of the most important reasons for the success of this great architectural edifice, as it holds an important strategic location surrounded by several facilities and many vital areas that make the process of moving to and from it easy.

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الساعة الآن 05:23 AM

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