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For Sale with Installment An Chalet 125m Ground Floor in Hacienda West

For Sale with Installment An Chalet 125m Ground Floor in Hacienda West

For Sale with Installment An Chalet 125m Ground Floor in Hacienda West

Do not miss the opportunity to own your own unit in the resort "''. This project is considered one of the largest and most important projects launched by Palm Hills

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قديم 09-20-2021, 01:02 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
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maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي For Sale with Installment An Chalet 125m Ground Floor in Hacienda West

Do not miss the opportunity to own your own unit in the resort "Hacienda West North Coast''.
This project is considered one of the largest and most important projects launched by Palm Hills Developments, which is characterized by being a coastal resort that provides all public services to customers, and it highlights the progress made by the company executing the project in terms of choosing the place, design and providing the necessary services with attention to various water bodies.

Hacienda West Resort achieves the life of privacy and luxury that you dream of away from the hustle and bustle of life in the center of the capital. Many people take advantage of the vacation period to enjoy the charming life of nature, and it has a large number of basic and recreational services that make it the ideal place to spend your summer vacation.

Owning a unit inside Hacienda West is a unique opportunity, so book your unit inside the project to enjoy the beauty of the Greek style of the buildings, as well as comfort, tranquility, and recreation, as well as the scenic landscape amidst the beaches with clear blue water, yellow sand, and clear sky in the project.

The privileged location of Hacienda West Resort

Hacienda West Palm Hills is a high-end project that pulsates with all the concepts and elements of luxury and splendor. It is located in a special place on North Coast, close to important cities, vital locations and services, and several main roads that make it easy to access.

The resort is located in an exceptional location, specifically at kilo 200 Alexandria / Marsa Matrouh Road, which makes it a few kilometers from Cairo Road, and is also characterized by its proximity to several places such as:

2 km from the New Fouka Road.
It is about 65 km from Hacienda White Resort.
10 km from Ras El Hikma area.
In addition to the proximity of the resort to the well-known Sidi Abdel Rahman area and several other areas and roads, which makes access to and exit from it easy.
Enjoy unparalleled features in Hacienda West North Coast

Hacienda West is in the best place on North Coast, that much-loved area because of its wonderful and charming atmosphere, as well as the scenic views that attract everyone's attention, it is also one of the places that tourists prefer to visit, especially in the summer. A large number of interesting features that make you live a special pleasure inside the place, which are:

Walking in the laps of nature and enjoying the wonderful green spaces interspersed with large bodies of water is one of the most enjoyable things to do within Hacienda West Resort, which is full of distinctive landscapes and artificial lakes of great beauty.
The splendor of the sandy beaches in harmony with the wonderful blue of the waters is a wonderful divine beauty that is unmatched, and this is what the resort enjoys, as it is located directly on the sea, with a depth of up to 1.5 km, which enables you to enjoy this picturesque painting.
This charming resort has unique designs carrying a distinctive European character to add a lot of luxury and sophistication to all units and facilities inside.
Swimming pools have been beautifully arranged inside the entire place and covered swimming pools for ladies to provide the required privacy.
A luxurious 5-star hotel that provides visitors with the best hotel services with high quality, and holds a large number of fully equipped hotel rooms to receive visitors all the time.
An integrated clubhouse with a spa, jacuzzi, sauna, and a lot of various pleasures to feel the absolute luxury inside.

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For Sale with Installment An Chalet 125m Ground Floor in Hacienda West hacienda west

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