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Apartment for sale in Edelma 250m²

Apartment for sale in Edelma 250m²

Apartment for sale in Edelma 250m²

Enjoy modern living in the heart of the city of magic and beauty Edelma Sahl Hasheesh in the Red Sea Edelma Resort is your best choice at all, whether you

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قديم 09-21-2021, 12:55 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
قوة التقييم :
جهات الاتصال :

maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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لاتوجد أوسمة لـ maiahmed
افتراضي Apartment for sale in Edelma 250m²

Enjoy modern living in the heart of the city of magic and beauty Edelma Sahl Hasheesh in the Red Sea
Edelma Resort is your best choice at all, whether you are looking for relaxation in front of the stunning landscapes or looking for luxury amenities and accommodation, or lovers of marine and coastal life in the open air and all those looking for luxury.

It is one of the projects designed in a modern developed style in all designs, whether interior or exterior, and architecture with touches of the beautiful oriental style and offers another aspect of living and working life.

Edelma Project is an integrated complex of residential chalets, studios, and lofts overlooking the pools and apartments ranging in number from 2 to 3 rooms, in addition to the distinctive surrounding areas, vast green spaces, and recreational services, providing you with a comfortable lifestyle in the heart of Sahl Hasheesh.

Edelma Resort Location
The location was chosen with great care by ANCHOR - Development & Management
to enhance the features everywhere, most notably its proximity to Arrival Piazza, one of the most famous landmarks of Sahl Hasheesh.

Sahl Hasheesh is located on the coast of the Red Sea on the borders of Hurghada, and it is one of the most attractive places for visitors and investors, because of its charming beauty and the architecture that was built on it, which makes Edelma Sahl Hasheesh a unique interface all over the world, and Sahl Hasheesh is located on 10 minutes from Senzo Mall, 20 minutes from Hurghada International Airport, and Hurghada Tourist Park.

Edelma is a short distance from the tourist promenade, with a length of 12 km, and close to the old city, through which it is possible to reach the most famous landmark in Sahl Hasheesh, Arrival Piazza, and close to the charming beach with its clear blue water.

The project includes several international hotels, restaurants, and bars designed in the European style, and includes outlets with the most famous international brands in addition to residential projects. One of the most important features of the location is that it is close to vital areas, which qualifies it to be the most investment opportunity resort.

Space of ​​Edelma Resort Sahl Hasheesh
Choose your unit from among the different residential units in spaces and prices, as the number of units within the project is 85 units, and there are many different residential units available, including chalets overlooking the sea, studios, penthouses, and apartments.

As each unit contains 3 floors, the space of the units within the project starts from 47 square meters.

The resort meets the desires and needs of different customers, and when you book your distinctive residential unit within this project, you will enjoy a life of luxury, pleasure, and comfort.

For those looking for a place that pulses with all the details of sophistication, beauty, and luxury within Sahl Hasheesh. Here is Edelma
We have provided you and your family with an integrated tourist resort in Sahl Hasheesh, which will offer you wonderful packages of countless services. It is known for its charm and attractiveness because of its views of the Red Sea coast, which is characterized by its clear waters that sparkle like gold with sunlight, with white soft sand and blue sky, which gives you an atmosphere of relaxation, calm, and enjoyment of the beautiful nature.

Here are the most important features offered by this charming resort:

The Developer company was keen to choose the distinguished strategic location so that it would be close to the most important vital areas and the main locations that customers visit.
Pleasant landscapes, which include green spaces surrounding the village, in addition to Lazurde beach with its wonderful crystal waters overlooking the resort.
The resort is designed in a modern international style, as all units offer wonderful views of the water bodies, whether it is on the beachfront or the spacious swimming pools.
Various spaces of swimming pools suitable for all ages.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: Apartment for sale in Edelma 250m² || الكاتب: maiahmed || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

منتديات شقاوه منتدى شقاوة منتدى سويقي اسواق سوق

ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

Apartment for sale in Edelma 250m² apartment edelma

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الساعة الآن 08:52 PM

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