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Special Offer On The Meter Price With Finishing In Residence 8 New Capital

Special Offer On The Meter Price With Finishing In Residence 8 New Capital

Special Offer On The Meter Price With Finishing In Residence 8 New Capital

Why the location in The New Administrative Capital was chosen? The New Administrative Capital is the bright future of Egypt, and it was called the New Republic because of its

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قديم 09-22-2021, 12:41 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي Special Offer On The Meter Price With Finishing In Residence 8 New Capital

Why the location in The New Administrative Capital was chosen?
The New Administrative Capital is the bright future of Egypt, and it was called the New Republic because of its great position and includes many diverse projects.

60 km from Ain Sokhna - Suez Road.
The project was established on a space of 700,000 square meters and attracted investments of 3.4 billion $.
It is considered an integrated Capital that includes all residential and commercial facilities at the global level, as well as medical and financial institutions.
An international airport and an electric train in the New Administrative Capital.
The New Capital is close to the 10th of Ramadan city and Belbeis, where the main train will connect them.
A station connected to the railway system in Egypt.
More than 6 thousand modern surveillance cameras for more security.
Providing all public safety services, ensuring a calm and worry-free environment for its residents.
Residence 8 New Capital Space
Residence 8 Compound was implemented on a space of ​​23 acres and includes various services and facilities, in addition to green spaces and artificial lakes, which occupy about 82% of the total space of ​​the project, giving a sense of comfort and recreation.

Residence 8 Sky AD units have been designed With unique touches that combine sophistication and civilization, as it overlooks attractive landscapes surrounding it from all sides, and this is a successful iconic development in the heart of the Administrative Capital.

The residential units within it vary between (apartments - duplexes), where the spaces start from 100 square meters up to 300 square meters, on many and varied spaces to suit all tastes and desires of customers.

Services and features available at Residence 8 Capital project
The owner company SKY AD Developments, With the help of the internationally known YBA company, was keen to develop the designs for the project and provide all the services required for a more enjoyable and comfortable life, as it was built in the best image and the finest possible designs that satisfy customers.

There are many services and features in Residence 8 Sky AD, including:

Vast green spaces and landscapes, gardens and parks at the highest level, surrounding all parts of the compound.
Water bodies of artificial lakes With different spaces are distributed in the project, which gives aesthetic touches and paints an artist painting in front of the compound.
Club House has all the recreational services, which are known for luxury and the highest levels.
Swimming pools of different sizes, suitable for all ages.
Restaurants serving delicious food and cafés at the highest levels, designed in a modern international style,
Spacious and open areas are equipped for Barbeque, which enables you to enjoy the outdoors.
Long tracks for joggers and cyclists, away from private-public roads to avoid any accidents.
There are commercial areas With all the requirements that meet the needs of the residents, about 20 meters long.
A 40-meter long walkway, for those who like to walk and enjoy the clean outdoors.
There is a social club inside Residence 8 New Capital, which is considered one of the meeting places for friends and families, With all the services.

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Special Offer On The Meter Price With Finishing In Residence 8 New Capital capital residence

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