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Your Dream Penthouse in New Capital Yaru Compound from 100 Meter

Your Dream Penthouse in New Capital Yaru Compound from 100 Meter

Your Dream Penthouse in New Capital Yaru Compound from 100 Meter

For a wonderful residential experience full of various integrated services and features; Own your unit in Yaru Compound New Capital ... In addition to the technical creativity, the clear sophistication

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قديم 09-28-2021, 11:55 AM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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افتراضي Your Dream Penthouse in New Capital Yaru Compound from 100 Meter

For a wonderful residential experience full of various integrated services and features; Own Your unit in Yaru Compound New Capital ...
In addition to the technical creativity, the clear sophistication in the engineering designs of the project units, and the method of implementation; The Compound is integrated with services, and the basic facilities are amazing, as follows:

The spread of vast green spaces, landscapes, and wonderful water bodies that cover about 81% of the project land; Which provides an atmosphere of psychological calm, fresh air, as well as charming aesthetic views.
A sophisticated social club that includes a private swimming pool for the residents of the compound, and enjoys many services to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness.
A global gym equipped with the latest equipment and international equipment to maintain the fitness of the residents.
Entertainment places for children with many fun games to enjoy the most beautiful times.
A safe nursery that enables you to check on Your children while doing Your daily chores, in addition to having rooms for entertaining games.
A huge mall with many shops that provide the finest international brands for shopping lovers, and fine taste.
For more recreation for the residents, there are beauty salons for skin and body care.
A supermarket that provides all the goods and services that the house needs, so you do not need to go outside the compound.
A 24-hour pharmacy that provides all the medicines and treatment services.
A group of international restaurants and cafés that serve delicious food and the most delicious drinks in a quiet romantic atmosphere.
Private tracks for walking, running, and cycling amid the charming nature, far from cars.
Security and guard personnel work all day to provide safety for the residents, with the installation of modern surveillance cameras for more reassurance inside the compound.
Relying on the use of solar energy, and smart infrastructure within the compound.
Spacious garages for residents to accommodate the largest number of cars, and prevent congestion inside the compound.
Units types and spaces within Yaru New Administrative Capital
Yaru New Capital is an unparalleled Compound located in an exclusive location in the New Administrative Capital, close to all roads and main axes, and enjoys all the details of sophistication and beauty that make you feel satisfied and grateful. It is brimming with all amenities and recreation just at Your service.

And if you are a fan of luxury; The Compound consists of the finest residential buildings and luxury villas designed in modern architectural styles by the most skilled consultants, engineers, and technicians, and they are varied in their spaces to suit all clients and investors, and are delivered in a semi-finished system, and are as follows:

The residential apartments space starts from 100 m² up to 240 m².
Villas space starts from 210 m² up to 350 m².
Prices and payment systems within Yaru Compound New Capital
The prices in Yaru ATUM are unparalleled, as the apartments enjoy the cheapest price per square Meter in the area, starting from 9,100 EGP, and villas' prices from 4,100,000 EGP and the owner company provides its customers with the greatest possible comfort; In addition to the appropriate prices for the various units, it offers easy and flexible payment systems that enable the customer to choose what suits his circumstances and desires, as follows:

The customer pays a 10% downpayment of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is to be paid in equal installments within 10 years.
The customer pays a 5% downpayment of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is to be paid in equal installments within 8 years.
In the case of cash payment, the customer receives a 40% discount on the unit value.

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Your Dream Penthouse in New Capital Yaru Compound from 100 Meter capital compound yaru

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