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Own Penthouse in Village West Sheikh Zayed From 185 m²

Own Penthouse in Village West Sheikh Zayed From 185 m²

Own Penthouse in Village West Sheikh Zayed From 185 m²

Dorra Group is keen to provide all services that meet all customers' needs and there are many advantages within the compound. The unique features in Village West: One of

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قديم 10-02-2021, 12:55 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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جهات الاتصال :

maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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لاتوجد أوسمة لـ maiahmed
افتراضي Own Penthouse in Village West Sheikh Zayed From 185 m²

Dorra Group is keen to provide all services that meet all customers' needs and there are many advantages within the compound.
The unique features in Village West:

One of the most important features is the distinguished geographical and strategic location, which is close to the most important roads and major projects in the region.
The buildings and constructions of the project are designed according to the latest modern international designs. The developer has hired a French engineering company.
The wide green spaces surrounding the compound and the water bodies beside the wonderfully designed dancing water fountains, giving the compound a wonderful civilized view.
The residential units are delivered on a fully finished system and are attached to the latest air conditioning.
The space of the units inside Village West Sheikh Zayed,
The units within the project enjoy privacy and wonderful views of the attractive landscape, the compound is known for psychological comfort and relaxation.

The spaces of the units within the Village West Compound are many and of various types (apartments, duplexes, penthouses), and all of them are designed according to the luxurious modern architecture.

The spaces within the project start From 123 square meters up to 246 square meters, and these various spaces have been provided so that the customer has the freedom to choose the most suitable for him and his family.

Here are the most important spaces, prices, and payment systems announced by the developer:

Typical two-room apartments with spaces start From 123 m² up to 159 m², and their price ranges From 2,627,835 EGP up to 3,415,860 EGP
While 3-room apartments start From 149 m² up to 190 m², their prices range From 3,269,315 EGP up to 4,349,213 EGP.
4-bedroom apartments, with spaces, start From 203 m², and their price ranges From 4,279,528 EGP up to 4,319,620 EGP.
Duplexes with a space ranging From 203 m² up to 246 m², price of 4,358,625 EGP to 5,523,160 m².
Penthouses with spaces start From 190 m² up to 243 m², and prices of 4,428,160 EGP up to 5,626,433 EGP.
Various and easy payment systems have been announced by the real estate developer to suit all customers' desires, as follows:

A down payment of 5% of the total unit value is paid, and the rest is paid in installments up to 7 consecutive years.
You can pay a 5% down payment upon contracting, another 5% after 3 months, and the rest in installments over 8 years.
7% maintenance deposit.
Dorra Group Development
Dorra Group is considered the most important leading company in real estate development and investment since a long history, as it was established in 1943 AD. Over the past years, it has been able to compete with major companies in the real estate market in the Arab world, by providing the best projects and multiple possibilities that fulfill the desires of customers.

The company owns many different residential, commercial, and administrative projects, which have achieved great success in Egypt. We mention them as follows:

Zayed Heights project.
Zayed 2000 Compound Sheikh Zayed
Hadayek Al Mohandessin
Dorra participated in the construction of about 60% of the buildings in Sheikh Zayed City.
The Address East Compound Fifth Settlement.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: Own Penthouse in Village West Sheikh Zayed From 185 m² || الكاتب: maiahmed || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

منتديات شقاوه منتدى شقاوة منتدى سويقي اسواق سوق

ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

Own Penthouse in Village West Sheikh Zayed From 185 m² sheikh village west zayed

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الساعة الآن 06:47 PM

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