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Get Your Unit With 123m² in Cavana Spring New Cairo

Get Your Unit With 123m² in Cavana Spring New Cairo

Get Your Unit With 123m² in Cavana Spring New Cairo

Are you still looking to live a life with a new concept and distinguished services? now we provided you an opportunity to own inside Cavana Springs New Cairo The most

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قديم 10-13-2021, 12:51 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Get Your Unit With 123m² in Cavana Spring New Cairo

Are you still looking to live a life With a new concept and distinguished services? now we provided you an opportunity to own inside Cavana Springs New Cairo
The most important and distinguished service projects that were built in the heart of New Cairo, which is Cavana Springs Sarai Compound, and it is one of the most important giant compounds that were built in an important strategic location, and it is one of the projects of the Nasr Housing and Development Company, as it offers you the best services and various advantages that meet Your requirements and needs that you are still looking for.
It also gives you living in a distinguished community that combines luxury and sophistication, away from the noise and crowding that urbanites suffer from, in addition to the special prices that the real estate developer has provided, which are the best in that area compared to all the various services it provides to you and Your family, and it works to provide the best and easy ways to pay, which gives you the ability to own the Unit you want easily.
Cavana Springs New Cairo Location
A vital location was chosen to implement a distinctive plan for Cavana Spring project, as it was implemented on a large space of land inside New Cairo, which is one of the main areas that clients seek to catch for housing, as the developer was keen that the compound site is close to the most important areas and main axes, thus, the compound became the focus of the attention of investors and customers because of its important strategic position in the heart of New Cairo.
The most important feature of Cavana Springs Sarai Project location
The compound is located on Cairo-Suez Road, which is one of the main and vital roads in Cairo.
The compound is separated by a short distance of about 15 minutes from the ring road.
The most famous international university, the American University, can be reached in only 10 minutes.
5 minutes from The New Administrative Capital.
The Total Space of The Compound
It is a new multi-service project in the heart of New Cairo, extending over a space of 5.5 million square meters, equivalent to 1359 acres, in a strategic location in the heart of Cairo's most desirable future suburbs for clients to live in, but far from crowded areas, noise and pollution.
It is also the beating heart of the community, as it surrounds an ideal environment filled With first-class entertainment and has private retail outlets, distinctive restaurants that provide services at the highest levels, and embraces many distinctive waterways that make it one of the most beautiful urban areas in the region.
The Services provided by Cavana Springs Compound New Cairo and the most important Features
The project includes the finest basic services and various entertainment, and you will find all that under Your feet and everything you dream and wish only in Cavana Springs Sarai.
A huge commercial area that includes several luxury shops and malls that include several brands and international brands, so shopping services can be enjoyed within the compound without leaving it.
Attention to the provision of educational services, where there are nurseries and international schools of the highest level of education and include the most qualified teachers.
Strict security services inside and outside the compound, where many security and guard personnel were deployed to secure public properties in it.
A large number of modern surveillance cameras have been distributed throughout the day and monitor events inside the compound.
Long and safe paths away from the public road for cars to ensure the life of the residents, and they are designated for walking, running, and cycling.
You can also enjoy Your favorite meal in a dedicated area of the Food Court, which includes several famous restaurants and distinctive cafés that serve the best variety of drinks.
عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: Get Your Unit With 123m² in Cavana Spring New Cairo || الكاتب: maiahmed || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات شقاوه - منتدى شقاوه - شات شقاوه

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الساعة الآن 05:14 PM

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