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187 M Twin house With Attractive Price And Charming View In The Hoft

187 M Twin house With Attractive Price And Charming View In The Hoft

187 M Twin house With Attractive Price And Charming View In The Hoft

The Distinctive Services in The Hoft Project Minka, the owner of the project, was keen to make The Hoft an integrated compound that provides everything the client needs and has

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قديم 10-16-2021, 12:12 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي 187 M Twin house With Attractive Price And Charming View In The Hoft

The Distinctive Services in The Hoft Project
Minka, the owner of the project, was keen to make The Hoft an integrated compound that provides everything the client needs and has provided many service facilities and infrastructure at the highest level, and these services are:

Many services for the convenience of customers such as car rental service in case you do not own a car for ease of movement and movement.
Many spacious garages include a large number of cars.
Security and protection 24 hours a day through surveillance cameras and security personnel equipped With the latest security devices.
The administrative offices are designed distinctively and elegantly to create a purposeful and productive work atmosphere, to attract the attention of all companies to invest in The Hooft.
Many commercial units include the highest and finest international brands.
Restaurants and cafes scattered throughout the project to provide eastern and western food and drinks to serve customers of all tastes.
Unit-specific services such as housekeeping provide the highest level of customer comfort.
Home delivery services that save great effort on customers.
Lots of printing and imaging centers that make it easier for workers in administrative offices a lot of effort and save time.
The project includes central air conditioning that covers all units of the compound, to provide everything the residents need.
Updated applications, and free Wi-Fi for ease of working online and not carrying the burden of its costs.
Many halls for conferences for businessmen, and various social events for the residents, because they do not need to leave the compound.
Dedicated coffee station areas for customers to enjoy rest areas provided With everything they need.
In The Hoft New Cairo, there are many pharmacies, supermarkets, and bakeries to meet the needs of the population throughout the day.
It includes banks and ATMs that facilitate the process of withdrawing and depositing money at any time and from anywhere in the compound.
Sports gym With many modern devices and a package of the most important fitness trainers.
Prices and different payment systems found in The Hoft Minka Compound
In addition to the wonderful services and features provided by The Hooft project, the owner company designed the prices to be an extension of these features and integrated facilities, as it offered very competitive prices for what is provided to the customer, and it is also unique in New Cairo, and the prices varied according to the type and space the unit provided is as follows:

The meter Price starts from 45,000 and varies according to the type of unit you own.
Office prices start from 720,000 and reach 1,800,000 EGP.
Store prices start from 720,000 and reach 1,800,000 EGP.
Studio prices start at 720,000 and go up to 900,000 EGP.
Apartment prices start from 1,800,000 EGP.
Partial ownership of the property (in which the client owns half and the other half of the company) starts from 720,000 and reaches 1,800,000 EGP.
The payment systems had a great share in attracting the eyes of investors and businessmen, as Minka, the owner of the project, provided many flexible and facilitating systems that reduce payment burdens, With multiple years of up to 5 years

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الساعة الآن 12:08 PM

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