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187 M Townhouse With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hotel Branded Residences

187 M Townhouse With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hotel Branded Residences

187 M Townhouse With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hotel Branded Residences

Hotel Branded Residence... Huge hotel services are waiting for you Hotel Branded Residences New Cairo is one of the largest and most luxurious residential hotel projects for lovers of luxury,

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قديم 10-17-2021, 12:51 PM   #1
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رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
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افتراضي 187 M Townhouse With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hotel Branded Residences

Hotel Branded Residence... Huge Hotel services are waiting for you
Hotel Branded Residences New Cairo is one of the largest and most luxurious residential Hotel projects for lovers of luxury, comfort, and complete freedom, It is affiliated With the largest of the major real estate companies, Equity Development, which was keen to establish it in a special location in New Cairo to make it easier for you to move With ease and away from the crowding and overcrowding that suffer residents from in other areas, and it has worked hard to provide green spaces and various services for all its residents so that no one has to leave its scope.

It is also surrounded by many gardens and parks for lovers of tranquility, comfort, and recreation. All units in it overlook the most beautiful landscapes and are equipped With external glass that reflects the picturesque and Charming appearance, in addition to the water bodies represented by water fountains and artificial lakes that give it a great cultural aspect.

Hotel Branded Residence Project Location
Equity, the developer and pioneer in the real estate market is always keen to choose the unique and unique location for its mega projects, and it was not limited to that project, as it was built in the heart of New Cairo within Choueifat area behind the giant project 5A, as the compound is close to one of the most important institutions Major educational institutions and international universities, In addition, it directly overlooks the most important main roads.

The advantages of Hotel Branded location and the most important areas close to it:

In a few minutes, you can reach the most important street in New Cairo, which is teseen Street.
It directly overlooks the ring road.
It is about 22 km from Cairo International Airport.
The project is located at an estimated distance of 16 km from Maadi.
The Compound is about 30 km away from downtown Cairo.
A few distances from international universities, including, American, Canadian, German, and the University of the Future.
Hotel Branded Residences New Cairo Space
Equity, the real estate developer, built the project on a huge space in order to provide all the basic and recreational services to all customers, and the space of the compound was divided to include vast green spaces and lush gardens With its beautiful tall trees, and on the other hand, spaces for buildings, constructions, and facilities that serve all residents in the vital area.

Exclusive services at Hotel Branded Residence Compound
A large sports club With many multiple playgrounds, in which you can play favorite games such as football, tennis, golf, and squash halls.
A health club that includes a distinctive spa house for lovers of body care, and private rooms With a Jacuzzi for more relaxation and recreation.
A social club that includes all activities and luxurious services that meet all your needs, and it is a distinguished meeting place for families and friends to spend happy times there.
Expanded security services in the project yard and outside, by appointing security personnel and guards trained With the highest efficiency, 24 hours a day.
The compound includes medical cults in all specialties that work throughout the day, and provide the best services to patients.
In addition to several pharmacies that are available within the project yard, and operate 24 hours a day, and provide the best types of different treatments for the residents.
For a wonderful and distinctive shopping experience, Hotel Branded Residence Project has been provided With a huge commercial mall that includes many stores that display the most important international brands and brands, worthy of all residents With fine tastes.
The most luxurious restaurants offer the best varieties and are supervised by the most efficient chefs.

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

187 M Townhouse With Attractive Price And Charming View In Hotel Branded Residences branded hotel residences

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الساعة الآن 05:37 PM

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