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210 M Villa For Sale In A Very Unique Location Within The Annex

210 M Villa For Sale In A Very Unique Location Within The Annex

210 M Villa For Sale In A Very Unique Location Within The Annex

The Annex New Cairo is waiting for you!! The life of luxury in its true sense is obtained only within The Annex Compound, one of the phases of Trio Gardens

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قديم 10-17-2021, 12:53 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
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عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
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maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي 210 M Villa For Sale In A Very Unique Location Within The Annex

The Annex New Cairo is waiting for you!!
The life of luxury in its true sense is obtained only Within The Annex Compound, one of the phases of Trio Gardens Project Fifth Settlement. It is your best place to lead a life in all colors of comfort and privacy.

This project is characterized by being a high-end residential complex in the heart of the best and most famous areas of New Cairo, Fifth Settlement, which is characterized by its proximity to several important areas and major neighborhoods, as well as pivotal roads that make access to the compound easier.

The compound also includes an engineering design that is characterized by sophistication, luxury, and modernity as well, as it is indeed an integrated place with a huge range of advanced features and services that make it easy for you to live inside.

This is in addition to the many facilities that the company offers to its clients so that they can easily obtain their unit, so The Annex Fifth Settlement is the compound you are looking for, so follow us now to find out more details...

Find out with us about the strategic Location of The Annex Project...
Choosing the distinguished Location is one of the elements that M2 Development is always keen to provide Within the various projects it undertakes, so it was able to choose an important Location in the famous Fifth Settlement area, which is one of the most important places in New Cairo.

The Annex Compound was established in an excellent Location close to several facilities and different areas and also a short steps away from important roads and axes that make entry and exit from it easier and faster, and we can learn more details about the site in the following:

The compound is only 5 minutes away from the regional ring road.
It is also about 10 minutes from the American University and about 20 minutes from the new Ain Sokhna Road.
As for Downtown Mall, it is about 20 minutes away and approximately 35 minutes from New Heliopolis City.
In addition to being not far from Cairo International Airport, it is about 25 minutes away.
It is also about 6 km from the New Cairo Club.
This project is surrounded by a group of major residential compounds such as Mountain View iCity Compound and Palm Hills New Cairo Compound.
"The Annex New Cairo" "Great Design and High Quality"
The comfort of customers and their access to all means of entertainment and privacy is what preoccupied M2 to build The Annex Compound Fifth Settlement, so it hired a group of skilled architects to design this huge engineering model.

The project includes a Unique and different design, as it stimulates the European style, which is luxurious and modern at the same time, the green spaces are spread in the place in a large and Very harmonious way, creating a small oasis filled with a wonderful green color.

The place is also divided into several units of varying size and type, some of which enjoy private gardens and swimming pools so that customers can choose what suits their different tastes according to the size of their families.

Enjoy a large number of different benefits inside The Annex New Cairo
This compound includes a selection of distinctive features that make it different from the residential complexes, and it also includes basic services and recreational facilities that make you enjoy your life in The Annex Fifth Settlement.

Below we will explain these various advantages that the compound offers to the clients:

A different design was presented to us by this project of a new division system, which is the presence of three villas next to each other and they all enjoy all the advantages of the villa.
It is considered one of the first environmentally friendly projects in Fifth Settlement, as it relies on solar energy inside the place, which reduces the occurrence of any pollution inside the compound.
The compound also includes the famous (smart home) system that made you control everything through your mobile phone.
Large gardens and parks provide a huge cover of green space for the place and this will increase the fresh air and provide complete recreation in the project.

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210 M Villa For Sale In A Very Unique Location Within The Annex annex

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الساعة الآن 02:31 PM

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