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50% Discount For Cash Payment, Receipt In 2021 With Possibility Of Installment Withou

50% Discount For Cash Payment, Receipt In 2021 With Possibility Of Installment Withou

50% Discount For Cash Payment, Receipt In 2021 With Possibility Of Installment Withou

Every Mall Hassan Allam Project Hassan Allam Properties presented its new project as a very distinctive experience in the Egyptian market, attracting all attention to owning a suitable unit and

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قديم 10-20-2021, 01:14 PM   #1
Senior Member
رقم العضوية : 1830
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2021
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 174
عدد النقاط : 10
قوة التقييم :
جهات الاتصال :

maiahmed غير متواجد حالياً

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لاتوجد أوسمة لـ maiahmed
افتراضي 50% Discount For Cash Payment, Receipt In 2021 With Possibility Of Installment Withou

Every Mall Hassan Allam Project
Hassan Allam Properties presented its new project as a very distinctive experience in the Egyptian market, attracting all attention to owning a suitable unit and providing the strongest financial return that can be achieved, With modern designs and huge spaces.

The mall has provided many services and features that the customer has been looking for for a long time, to provide the greatest degree of safety and comfort, and provide one place that combines all the health, administrative, or commercial requirements.

Every Mall New Cairo Location
The owner company was keen to choose a very distinctive and strategic location, to serve many vital places and many customers, as the site had a significant and noticeable impact on the success of every Mall, as it is located in New Cairo, and close to many hubs and vital cities as follows:

There is a distance of 10 km from Heliopolis.
It is only 9 km from the American University.
Next to Cairo Festival City Mall, a kilometer away.
It is 6 km away from Cairo International Airport.
It is only 2 km away from some important surrounding villages, such as Swan Lake Kattameya, 2 km from Rehab, and 1 km from Mirage City.
It also overlooks some major axes such as Suez Road, Mohamed Naguib axis, and Youssef al-Sibai axis.
The Space and types of units found in every Mall
It provides its customers With many facilities, basic services, and features that contribute to spending enjoyable times and make their lives easy and comfortable because it is built on a large space of ​​about 144,000 square meters. It consists of four stamps, 1700 administrative buildings, and many commercial and medical units.

The space was divided in a wonderful way to include vast green spaces that occupy the largest part of its space, where gardens, parks, and artificial lakes allow relaxing in the lap of nature, and multi-unit buildings of commercial, residential, and administrative allowing the investor to choose the appropriate unit With the size and type that suits his different needs, as it starts Units space from 91 up to 626 square meters.

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ثقافه، حراج ،سوق ، اسواق برامج ، امن حاسوب، استشارات، تصاميم

50% Discount For Cash Payment< Receipt In 2021 With Possibility Of Installment Withou every

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