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أفضل الخدمات في ابوظبي

أفضل الخدمات في ابوظبي

أفضل الخدمات في ابوظبي

Finding and hiring maids in Abu Dhabi become easy, especially with Rafeeg App. Rafeeg is Abu Dhabi's online marketplace for maids and cleaning services allowing homeowners to receive offers from

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قديم 09-13-2019, 12:51 AM   #1
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افتراضي أفضل الخدمات في ابوظبي

Finding and hiring maids in Abu Dhabi become easy, especially with Rafeeg App. Rafeeg is Abu Dhabi's online marketplace for maids and cleaning services allowing homeowners to receive offers from more than 45 trusted maids companies in Abu Dhabi. Click on the button below to start using Rafeeg:

Be cautious from the unlicensed maids

Sure, you will find maids providers in Abu Dhabi easily using any regular reference, directory, or online. However, you may end up hiring an unlicensed one. Based on research, more than 50 unlicensed providers are advertising massively online, and claim they are licensed

The risk of dealing with unlicensed maids in Abu Dhabi

You will be fined 50,000 Dirham if they are caught working at your house. It means you will put yourself and family at risk by allowing unlicensed maids to work in your home. No one could protect you in case anything terrible happened since it is a violation of the Abu Dhabi low.
Why Using Rafeeg?

The following reasons what makes Rafeeg unique compared to any other reference:
  1. All providers are licensed and passed the Rafeeg verification test.
  2. Providers compete to win you, ensuring you get the best price in the market.
  3. Real customer reviews allowing you to do your verification.
  4. No commitment or advance payment, you could cancel anytime or replace the provider with another with zero cost.
  5. Excellent customer services team to follow up on your order and ensure you get the best quality service.
Cost Hiring Maids in Abu Dhabi

Maids providers in Dubai charge per hour 25 to 35 Dirham. The rate range depends on different factors:
  1. Size of work.
  2. Time required.
  3. The maids' nationality.
  4. The provider portfolio.
Maids providers offer a better hourly rate for units that required more work because they make saving in the transportation cost, and reduce wastage time.
The Philippines are the best when it comes to cleaning. Therefore, when you are dealing with a cleaning company, ask them about their staff nationality, plus you need to check the customer reviews.
In my point of view, The service rate is not the only factor you have to use to decide which company to hire. That's why it is essential to check the customer reviews before deicing which company to hire!
Tips for Hiring Maids in Abu Dhabi

  1. Build a long term relationship with one provider. It will save your time explaining and supervising the maids.
  2. It is common in Dubai to Negotiated the price with the provider.
  3. Check the reviews and contract only with the known one.
Maids Alternative Services

There are two types of providers for cleaning in Abu Dhabi. If you need help to do the day to day cleaning, then you the maids' service is the one.
However, if you are seeking deep cleaning or specialized cleanings, then you have to hire a dedicated cleaning company that is different from the maids cleaning.

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 منتدى شقاوة غير مسؤول عن أي اتفاق تجاري أو تعاوني بين الأعضاء
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الساعة الآن 02:37 AM

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